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Jill Kamil - Labib Habachi
25.05.2020, 06:26

Биография на Лабиб Хабачи (1906-1984), един от големите египтолози на XX век, дългогодишен служител и ръководител на Отдела за антики към правителството на Египет, археологически консултант на Нубийската експедиция проведена от Чикагския институт по ориенталистика. Участва в множество разкопки на важни обекти, най-значими от които са Тел ед Дабаа (древната столица на хиксосите Аварис) и  култовия център на Пепинахт-Хекаиб, древноегипетски администратор и водач на експедиции в Нубия, на остров Елефантина.

Jill Kamil - Labib Habachi. The Life and Legacy of an Egyptologist, Cairo - New York, American University in Cairo Press, 2007

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Added by: Admin | | Tags: Древен Египет, Тел ед Даба'а, египтология, Хекаиб, Aварис, Елефантина
Views: 680 | Placed till: 25.06.2020 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
Labib Habachi, Egypt's most perceptive and productive Egyptologist, was marginalized for most of his career, only belatedly receiving international recognition for his major contributions to the field. In "Labib Habachi: The Life and Legacy of an Egyptologist", Jill Kamil presents not only a long-overdue biography of this important scholar, but also a survey of Egyptian archaeology in the twentieth century in which Habachi's work is measured against that of his best-known contemporaries - among them Selim Hassan, Ahmed Fakhry, Abdel Moneim Abu Bakr, and Gamal Mokhtar. The account of Habachi's major discovery, the Sanctuary of Heqaib on Elephantine in 1946, was shelved by Egypt's Antiquities Department for thirty years. When it was finally released for publication, it became the subject of a heated controversy between Habachi and a western scholar that was never resolved. To construct her picture of Labib Habachi, Jill Kamil draws on a wide range of sources, including a long personal acquaintance with the subject.
Tracing the arc of Habachi's career, Kamil sets his life's work in its full context, providing a valuable perspective on the development of Egyptian Egyptology and the sometimes fraught relationship between Egypt's scholars and the western archaeological establishment.

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