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Andrew H. Gordon - The context and meaning of the ancient Egyptian word inw
10.01.2017, 19:21

Монография за значенията на думата inw в древноегипетския език и неговите контекстуални модификации. Основна тема е дискусията дали inw значи "стока", "подаръци" или "данък". На основата на текстове от Преддинастичния период, Старото, Средното и Новото царство и обвързаността на епиграфските паметници със съпътстващите ги изображения авторът доказва, че всички посочени преводи са уместни съобразено с контекста на употребата на думата.

Andrew H. Gordon - The context and meaning of the ancient Egyptian word inw from the Proto-Dynastic Period to the end of the New Kingdom, Berkeley University of California, 1983  

- на английски език, от Google Docs,формат PDF, файлът не е архивиран. Сваляне с ляв бутон (downloading by left button) от страницата на предоставящия сървър, после през бутона стрелка надолу/after by down arrow button.


Added by: Admin |
Views: 1411 | Placed till: 10.10.2021 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 5
1 xucong1998  
Google 云端硬盘访问被拒绝

2 Admin  
Thank you very much for this notification, altough I don't know Chinese and needed Google translator.
That is bcause the file is uploaded before a long time and after the last update of Google Drive all the links to these files are restricted.
I made a new link and now I think all is OK.
Please check and inform me do you obtained the file and do the new link works.

3 xucong1998  
Thanks for your reply. The new link is fine and the file can be downloaded smoothly. But I found the same problem with many of the old Google Drive links, where clicking on the link showed denial of access.

4 Admin  
Yes, that is due the same reason.
I and my friends uploaded a lot of files on Google Drive in too distant past. After the new updates on  the drive software this kind of problem appeared.
I have to check all problematic titles personally and chnge the links. Because a significant amount of them are uploaded by my friends, I need to require the new links from them too.
That will take some time. Than more that I'm not a professional. That is only my hobby and I do that in my not so long free time.

5 Admin  
By the way,
You could do a great work if you make a list of titles with not working links.
You can send them to me in private messages.
That will make the process much more faster.

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