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James E. Hoch - Semitic words in Egyptian texts of the New Kingdom and Third Intermediate Period
19.02.2017, 16:18


През епохата на Новото царство (XVI-XI в. пр. н.е.) и Третия преходен период (XI-VII в. пр. н.е.) Египет осъществява интензивни контакти в Леванта, реализирайки имперската си програма за трайно политическо присъствие в този район. Естествена последица от този крос-културен обмен е широкото навлизане на семитизми в древноегипетския език (късноегипетски, новоегипетски) и тяхното отражение в писмените текстове от онова време. В настоящата работа са представени тези заемки, илюстрирани с паралели към древноеврейски, финикийски/пунически, протосинайски, угаритски, аморитски, моабитски, аморитски, арамейски, сирийски, арабски, древен южноарабски (йеменски-химяритски), акадски и други семитски езици.

James E. Hoch - Semitic words in Egyptian texts of the New Kingdom and Third Intermediate Period, Princeton (NJ), Princeton University Press, 1994


James E. Hoch - Semitic words in Egyptian texts of the New Kingdom and Third Intermediate Period, Toronto, University of Toronto, 1991  

- на древноегипетски (новоегипетски) език - йероглифи и латинска транслитерация, различни семитски езици и английски език, от Google Docs,формат PDF, файлът не е архивиран. Сваляне с ляв бутон (downloading by left button) от страницата на предоставящия сървър, после през бутона стрелка надолу/after by down arrow button.


Added by: Admin | | Tags: акадски език, Трети преходен период, древноегипетскиезик, късноегипетски език, Древен Египет, древноеврейски език, Ново царство, новоегипетски език, Левант
Views: 2036 | Placed till: 19.08.2022 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
Semitic words and names appear in unprecedented numbers in texts of the New Kingdom, the period when the Egyptian empire extended into Syria-Palestine. In his book, James Hoch provides a comprehensive account of these words--their likely origins, their contexts, and their implications for the study of Egyptian and Semitic linguistics and Late-Bronze and Iron-Age culture in the eastern Mediterranean. Unlike previous word catalogs, this work consists of concise word studies and contains a wealth of linguistic, lexical, and cultural information.

Hoch considers some five hundred Semitic words found in Egyptian texts from about 1500 to 650 b.c.e. Building on previous scholarship, he proposes new etymologies and translations and discusses phonological, morphological, and semantic factors that figure in the use of these words. The Egyptian evidence is essential to an understanding of the phonology of Northwest Semitic, and Hoch presents a major reconstruction of the phonemic systems. Of equal importance is his account of the particular semantic use of Semitic vocabulary, in contexts sometimes quite different from those of the Hebrew scriptures and Ugaritic myths and legends. With its new critical assessment of many hotly debated issues of Semitic and Egyptian philology, this book will be consulted for its lexical and linguistic conclusions and will serve as the basis for future work in both fields.

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