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George William Mackay - Ancient Greek at work: a pragmatic approach to business letters in 3rd century B.C.E. Egypt
10.02.2021, 08:16

Управлението на Птолемеите в Египет не е само обединение на два народа и две различни култури в но синкретичен феномен. Елините привнасят в страната на фараоните още своя дух и традиции на предприемчивост и делови стил. Настоящата дисертация е детайлен анализ на бизнес кореспонденцията в два от най-известните гръцки папирусни архива от онази епоха: този на Зенон от Филаделфия (оазиса Фаюм) и на Клеон и Теодорос от нома Арсиное.
Авторът изследва специфичния стил на писмата, обръщенията, съществувалите още тогава формули на делова  любезност, категориите на разпореждания, съвети, изисквания, предупреждения и забрани.

George William Mackay - Ancient Greek at work: a pragmatic approach to business letters in 3rd century B.C.E. Egypt, Sydney, Macquarie University, 2016

- на английски език, от Minerva: Macquarie University Digital Repository, формат PDF.Свалянето става с десен бутон (downloading by right button) и Save as... АЛТЕРНАТИВЕН ЛИНК / ALTERNATIVE LINK:

George William Mackay - Ancient Greek at work: a pragmatic approach to business letters in 3rd century B.C.E. Egypt, Sydney, Macquarie University, 2016

- на английски език, от Google Drive, формат PDF. Сваляне с ляв бутон (downloading by left button) от страницата на предоставящия сървър, после през бутона стрелка надолу/after by down arrow button.


Added by: Admin | | Tags: Птолемеи, Древен Египет, елинизъм, папируси, древноегипетска икономика
Views: 340 | Placed till: 10.03.2021 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
The value of the documentary papyri in Ancient Greek to scholars of the language has long been recognised and they have been studied from a number of perspectives. These have included analysis of the information the documents make available to us about the development of Ancient Greek grammar (semantics, syntax and morphology) and phonology. The structure of particular genres such as petitions and letters has also been examined.
This thesis takes a sample of business letters from the Zenon archive and the archive of Kleon and Theodoros (3rd Century B.C.E.) and examines, to the extent that we can infer them, the purposes of the writers. It seeks to identify some of the goals the writers were pursuing, with all that this may tell us about the society in which they lived, and, most importantly, the ways they used language to achieve those goals.
The theory of language that informs this investigation is consistent with that branch of modern linguistics known as pragmatics and with the approach of classical rhetoric. While by no means a thesis in linguistics, it takes a number of concepts from speech act theory in particular, as well as politeness theory and Griceís theory of conversational implicature, and uses them as tools to provide a framework for the thesis and for textual analysis. The use of rhetorical tropes in the letters, and appeals to λόγος, πάθος andἦθος as means of persuasion, is also examined when relevant.

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