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Georgia Barker - А study of agricultural pursuits and food production to the end of the Middle Kingdom
14.02.2021, 07:14

Гробничните стенописи и умалените модели според древните египтяни са с изключителна важност за обезпечаването на починалия с необходимите средства за съществуване в отвъдното. Настоящата дисертация разглежда тези два източника в сравнителна перспектива и от гледа точка на значението им за реконструиране на земеделските практики и производството на храни в Древен Египет. Разгледаният период е от късната епоха на Старото царство до края на Средното царство. Изследван е материал от некрополите в Ел Берша, Меир и Бени Хасан.

Georgia Barker - Funerary models vs. wall scenes: a study of agricultural pursuits and food production to the end of the Middle Kingdom, Sydney, Macquarie University, 2016

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Added by: Admin | | Tags: Древен Египет, Ел Берша, Средно царство, древноегипетска икономика, Бени Хасан, Меир, Първи преходен период, древноегипетска религия, Старо царство, древноегипетско изкуство
Views: 463 | Placed till: 14.03.2021 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
Funerary models and wall scenes served as important means of providing for the deceased in the afterlife and were accordingly included in ancient Egyptian tombs. It was the aim of this project to further understand the relationship between the two artistic media and their purpose in the tomb. This was achieved through a detailed study of both models and wall scenes from the sites of Meir, El-Bersha and Beni Hassan during the late Old Kingdom to the end of the Middle Kingdom. Examples were collected that represent the themes of agricultural pursuits and food production as these were commonly included in the artistic repertoire, serving as a source of eternal nourishment for the deceased. Careful analysis has revealed that each medium was bound by specific technical limitations that impacted the themes represented. Overall, the models give greater emphasis to food production, whereas the wall scenes depict many of the stages involved in both the agricultural cycle and food manufacture. Both media were able to serve the deceased in the afterlife and each tomb owner was able to choose one or both types of design according to his purposes and means.

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