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Ancient Faces. Mummy Portraits in Roman Egypt
30.06.2020, 13:21

Портретите на мумии от римската епоха в Египет са изрисувани върху дъска или платно образи на починалите. Това са единствените оцелели до днес произведения от това направление на изкуството през Античността. Болшинството от тях са на местни чиновници и членове на техните семейства и съчетават едновременно вярата им в традиционните египетски култове и типичния за римския мироглед стремеж да се пресъздаде както истинският облик на нарисуваното лице, така и неговият социален статус. Болшинството портрети са от района на оазиса Фаюм, но такива са откривани и на други места във вътрешността на Египет и по Средиземноморското крайбрежие на страната.


Susan Walker (ed.) - Ancient Faces. Mummy Portraits in Roman Egypt, London -New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art - Routledge, 2000

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Susan Walker (ed.) - Ancient Faces. Mummy Portraits in Roman Egypt, London -New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art - Routledge, 2000

Susan Walker (ed.) - Ancient Faces. Mummy Portraits in Roman Egypt, London -New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art - Routledge, 2000

- на английски език, от Google Drive,формат PDF. Сваляне с ляв бутон (downloading by left button) от страницата на предоставящия сървър, после през бутона стрелка надолу/after by down arrow button.


Added by: Admin | | Tags: Дрелливен Египет, Фаюм, Римски Египет, древноегипетско изкуство, древноегипетска религия, древноегипетска археология, Фаюмски портрети
Views: 663 | Placed till: 30.07.2021 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
The painted panel and shroud portraits of Roman Egypt constitute the only corpus of coloured images of individuals to survive from classical antiquity. Many are of outstanding artistic quality, and as a whole they reflect a range of techniques and styles. The images combine both the subject's belief in the traditional Egyptian cults, which offered them a firm prospect of life after death, and the Roman manner, of reflecting the subject's status in life. The portraits reveal the adoption of Roman fashions in dress and personal adornment by persons remote from the centre of the empire, but likely to have been actively engaged in its local administration. Many of the best known portraits come from the Fayum, but others in various media are known from sites in the Nile Valley and along the Mediterranean coast. This catalogue, published to coincide with an exhibition at the British Museum, presents a wide range of these portraits, showing the Roman influence coexisting with traditional Egyptian values and way of life.
The book is large and full of portraits from diferent sites in Egypt, not only the Fayum, which are not always included in other books. It contains several articles from diferent specialists conserning the history, techniques, archaeological facts and findings as well as the dating of these objects, which are very usefull and enlightening. Three fourth's of the book presents the portraits themselves and the study cases of each one of them.

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