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John Sarr - Highlights of the Gayer-Anderson Scarab Collection
05.03.2021, 08:11

Представяне на колекцията от скарабеи в Музея на Изкуствата в Портланд, Орегон. Колекцията е събрана от английския майор Р.Г. Гайер-Андерсон по време на службата му в Египет между 1907-1917, а през 1927 е продадена на портлъндския любител на антиките Албърт Е. Дойл. След смъртта му тя става като дарение в негова памет част от експозицията на музея.

John Sarr - Highlights of the Gayer-Anderson Scarab Collection in the Portland Art Museum, Portland, Oregon USA, Portland (OR), 2001

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Added by: Admin | | Tags: Древен Египет, древноегипетска магия, древноегипетска археология, древноегипетско изкуство, Скарабеи
Views: 386 | Placed till: 05.04.2021 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
The Portland Art Museum is home to more than 1,350 ancient Egyptian scarabs and amulets. Although the collection entered the Museum in 1929 and was partially on display until the mid-1980s, most of the objects were hidden away in the vault for decades, for the lack of expertise to catalogue them. Local Egyptologist John Sarr, who began investigating the scarabs in the 1990s, has just completed a year of intensive research on the scarabs. In this illustrated lecture, he will unpack the mysteries of these tiny works of art. Carved between 4800 and 2300 years ago, and usually smaller than one-inch long, scarabs were used during life as seals or amulets and in death as a means of securing an afterlife. They often bear motifs or inscriptions that reveal much of ancient Egyptian religious beliefs. Sarr is an independent scholar, writer, and teacher who has taught extensively on Ancient Egyptian culture and the hieroglyphic language. He is an active member of the American Research Center in Egypt and founding president of the Center’s Oregon chapter.

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