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Milada Vilímková, Dominique Darbois - Egyptian Jewellery
19.05.2024, 10:49

Богато илюстриран подбор образци на древноегипетската бижутерия. Представени са световноизвестни археологически находки от благородни метали и скъпоценни или полускъпоценни камъни предназначени за елита, както и бижута от прости и достъпни материали, предназначени за обикновените хора. От първите нанизи с мъниста на преддинастичната епоха до ненадминатия блясък от съкровищата на Тутанкамон, книгата представя еволюцията на тези украси в период от почти пет хилядолетия.
Не е оставен без внимание и дълбокият символизъм, значението на представените мотиви. Над 90 цветни илюстрации съпровождат текста на изложението.

Milada Vilímková, Dominique Darbois - Egyptian Jewellery, London - New York - Toronto - Sidney, Paul Hamlyn, 1969  

- на английски език, от Google Drive, формат PDF. Сваляне с ляв бутон (downloading by left button) от страницата на предоставящия сървър, после през бутона стрелка надолу/after by down arrow button.


Added by: Admin |
Views: 477 | Placed till: 19.06.2024 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
Since the beginning of the nineteenth century, when they were first discovered, Egyptian antiquities have aroused an enthusiasm and exercised a fascination unequalled
by any other form of non-European art. Among the richest of these treasures is the work of the Egyptian jewellers. Objects made of precious metal, gold and silver, decorated with semi-precious stones and using a variety of goldsmiths’ techniques, were always included among the sumptuous furnishings of tombs and pyramids.  Starting with simple strings of coloured stones of the predynastic period over five thousand years ago, Egyptian jewellery reached its height during the Middle Kingdom with works of astounding beauty. The magnificent treasure of Tutankhamin provides but a glimpse of the splendour in which princes and great men lived then — and continued to do so — until the beginning of the Christian period.
From the examples which have survived and from the evidence of painting and sculpture, the author of this book traces the development of Egyptian jewellery from prehistoric times to the period of Greek and Roman influence. She shows its continuous evolution, its resistance to foreign influence and reveals the great facility of Egyptian jewellers for constantly varying and elaborating traditional themes. The symbolism present in all Egyptian art is also found in the jewellery, and the meaning of each piece illustrated is clearly explained.
Over 90 coloured plates, many of them have been especially commissioned for this book. Photographs of gold, silver and lapis lazuli pieces all convey the magnificence of the Egyptian world.

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