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Oleg Berlev, Svetlana Hodjash - Catalogue of the Monuments of Ancient Egypt
15.07.2019, 11:54

Уникална сводна презентация на паметниците на древноегипетското изкуство, съхранявани в музеите на територията на бившия Съветски съюз малко след разпадането му. За пръв път пред западния египтолог са представени с коментари на достъпен език артефакти от колекциите в Русия, Украйна, Беларус, Прибалтика, Кавказ и Средна Азия,

Oleg Berlev, Svetlana Hodjash - Catalogue of the Monuments of Ancient Egypt: From the Museums of the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Bielorussia, Caucasus, Middle Asia and the Baltic States, Fribourg - Göttingen, Universitatsverlag Fribourg- Vanderhoeck & Ruprecht, 1998- на английски език, от The Zurich Open Repository and Archive, формат PDF.Свалянето става с десен бутон (downloading by right button) и Save as...


Added by: Admin | | Tags: древноегипетско изкуство, Древен Египет, древноегипетска археология
Views: 1189 | Placed till: 15.08.2019 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
Immediately before the end of the Soviet Union, a Special Exhibition was held in Moscow, showing Egyptian objects from fifty Museums in ten former Soviet Republics. At the same time, Professors Berlev and Hodjash, two eminent Russian Egyptologists, prepared a catalogue of all known Egyptian objects in the Soviet Union, including Aegyptiaca found on the territory of the former USSR. These Museums are now scattered over several independent states, and today it would be impossible to bring together such a documentation. This volume therefore contains a unique survey of Egyptian treasures in all parts of the former Soviet Union. For the first time to the western egyptologists are presented with commentaries in acessible language a lot of artifacts in collections from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Baltics, Caucasus and Middle Asia.

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