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Richard H. Wilkinson - Symbol & Magic in Egyptian Art
19.09.2021, 08:31

Доколкото мисленето на древните египтяни е магическо мислене, няма произведение на изкуството - било монументално, било декоративно, което да не е изпълнено с дълбок символизъм и да не крие магическо значение. Настоящата монография разкрива пред нас този отдавна забравен код на форми и пропорции, материали и цветове, разположение, действия и жестове, числа и йероглифи.

Richard H. Wilkinson - Symbol & Magic in Egyptian Art, London - New York, Thames & Hudson, 1994

- на английски език, от Google Drive, формат PDF. Сваляне с ляв бутон (downloading by left button) от страницата на предоставящия сървър, после през бутона стрелка надолу/after by down arrow button.


Added by: Admin | | Tags: древноегипетско изкуство, древноегипетска магия, Древен Египет
Views: 511 | Placed till: 19.10.2021 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
There is scarcely an Egyptian temple, pyramid, obelisk, wall painting, or sculpture that does not possess some hidden meaning--meaning that can only be understood by reference to the fundamental symbolic code used by ancient Egyptians. Symbol and Magic in Egyptian Art reveals the language of this ancient code, which endured for thousands of years. Its formulae include the symbolism of shape and size, the significance of location, color symbolism, the magical meaning of numbers, hieroglyphic signs, and the language of the body. This authoritative guide, the first-ever thematic treatment of this aspect of Egyptian art, will appeal to the art lover, traveler, Egyptophile, and anyone fascinated by the mysteries of the ancient symbols.

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