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Thomas Garnet Henry James - Egyptian sculptures
28.04.2018, 19:41

Презентация на древноегипетската скулптура от серията "Ментор" на ЮНЕСКО.

Thomas Garnet Henry James - Egyptian sculptures, New York-Toronto, New American Library, 1966 (The mentor-UNESCO art series)

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Added by: Admin | | Tags: древноегипетска скулптура, древноегипетско изкуство, Древен Египет
Views: 1079 | Placed till: 28.05.2018 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
From the awe-inspring stone colossi of the kings of the delightful small bronze cats, the Egyptian sculptors showed a mastery of form and serenity of style which has never been surpassed. This concise, illustrated survey of 3000 years of Eyptian sculpture is based on the great collections of the British Museum. Why and how this immense range of sculpture was made, and the paths by which so many splendid examples reached the Museum, form the intrduction to this book. The authors go on to describe many of the finest sculptures in the collections, most of which can now be seen in the Egtptian Sculpture Gallery.

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