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Luke W. Breinig - Astronomy, Cosmology, and Religious Expression in the New Kingdom
10.07.2020, 09:37

Дисертацията анализира т. нар. "звездни таблици" от фреските в гробниците от епохата на Новото царство в Тиванския некропол. Заключението е, че те не представляват актуални календари, звездни часовници или астрономически пособия, а служат единствено за илюстрации на митологичните представи относно пътя на душите през подземното царство.


Luke W. Breinig - Astronomy, Cosmology, and Religious Expression in the New Kingdom: A Study of Late Ramesside Cosmological Funerary Scenes, Memphis (TN), University of Memphis, 2012


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Luke W. Breinig - Astronomy, Cosmology, and Religious Expression in the New Kingdom: A Study of Late Ramesside Cosmological Funerary Scenes, Memphis (TN), University of Memphis, 2012

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Added by: Admin | | Tags: древноегипетско изкуство, Ново царство, древноегипетска космология, древноегипетска астрономия, Древен Египет, древноегипетска религия
Views: 589 | Placed till: 10.08.2020 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
Astronomical and cosmological tomb scenes found in New Kingdom tombs consist generally of three parts: scenes depicting the celestial diagram, including the northern constellations, tables listing star or decan names, sometimes known as star clocks or calendars, and cosmological texts which help to explain the religious, philosophical, and funerary significance of these scenes. During the 20th Dynasty, new types of star tables began to appear in conjunction with new cosmological funerary texts and novel ways of showing the celestial diagram. This thesis examines the relationship these scens and the accompanying texts, as well as the underlying religious and philosophical context of their development. It is my conclusion that the Ramesside period star tables do not represent natural hours or timekeeping devices at all, but serve as a means of illustrating the cyclicality and eternal recurrence of time in the afterlife.

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