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W. Vivian Davies - A Royal Statue Reattributed
15.10.2017, 18:24

Представяне на статуята от зелена шистова скала на фараона Ментухотеп VI (XVI в. пр. н.е. от XVI династия, управлявала в Тива през Втория преходен период) от колекцията на Британския музей. Автор е Уилям Вивиан Дейвис, старши научен сътрудник в Института Грифит, Оксфорд.

W. Vivian Davies - A Royal Statue Reattributed, London, British Museum, 1981  

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Added by: Admin | | Tags: XVI династия, Тива, Ментухотеп VI, Древен Египет, древноегипетско изкуство, Втори преходен период
Views: 1282 | Placed till: 15.11.2022 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
Green schist statue of Mentuhotep VI: the statuette is a very respectable piece of work. Mentuhotep stands in the traditional pose with left leg advanced, his limbs connected to a back pillar by negative space. He wears a nemes with uraeus, and a 'shendyt' kilt. His hands, at his sides, hold two different objects. The nature of the one in his proper left hand is unclear (some sort of case?); but that in the right is a folded cloth, with its ends hanging down behind.The well-proportioned body is simply but effectively modeled with the suggestion of muscles in arms and legs and just the hint of a paunch. There are some nicely observed details, such as the slight flare of the kilt pleats over the buttocks. But there also seems to be uncertainty in the way that the forehead band of the nemes, a single strip, has been carved twice over the front and left side of the face, and the way the band descends into very indeterminate shapes in front of the ears. There is an inept carving of the inscription on the back pillar. The nemes has a shape characteristic of the late Middle Kingdom, rising steeply over the top of the head but rather meager in front view, with small, slanted lappets. The face, too, has a meager quality, due partly to the lack of modeling, but also to the small, short chin. Though the mouth is small in proportion to the nose and eyes, it seems to fill the bottom of the face. The mouth is horizontally set and the eyes rather heavy lidded, features that are found in other royal heads of approximately the same date.

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