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Alexandria: Hub of the Hellenistic World
11.06.2021, 10:13

През елинистическата и римска епохи Александрия не е просто най-голямото и оживено средиземноморско пристанище и няма само и единствено икономическо и търговсрко значение. Нейната роля е далеч по-комплексна: това е космополитен град, където най-различни идентичности и култури: гръцка, египетска, еврейска, християнска и други съжителстват, преливат се една в друга, съперничат си и заимстват едни от други в непрестанна борба за оцеляване и надмощие. На този непрестанен кипеж е посветен настоящият сборник материали.

Benjamin Schliesser, Jan Rüggemeier, Thomas J. Kraus, Jörg Frey (eds.) - Alexandria: Hub of the Hellenistic World, Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2021

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Added by: Admin | | Tags: древноегипетска цивилизация, Древен Египет, елинизъм, древноегипетска култура, александрия
Views: 389 | Placed till: 11.07.2021 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
Alexandria was one of the main hubs of the Hellenistic world and a cultural and religious "kaleidoscope." Merchants and migrants, scientists and scholars, philosophers, and religious innovators from all over the world and from all social backgrounds came to this ancient metropolis and exchanged their goods, views, and dreams. Accordingly, Alexandria became a place where Hellenistic, Egyptian, Jewish, and early Christian identities all emerged, coexisted, influenced, and rivaled each other. In order to meet the diversity of Alexandria's urban life and to do justice to the variety of literary and non-literary documents that bear witness to this, the volume examines the processes of identity formation from a range of different academic perspectives. Thus, the present volume gathers together twenty-six contributions from the realm of archaeology, ancient history, classical philology, religious studies, philosophy, the Old Testament, narratology, Jewish studies, papyrology, and the New Testament.

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