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Cult and Belief in Ancient Egypt: Proceedings of the Fourth International Congress for Young Egyptologists
10.04.2020, 22:05

Сборник научни материали, представени на IV-тия международен конгрес на младите египтолози, проведен между 25-ти и 27-ми септември 2012 г. в София, България. Тематичен фокус на проучванията са вярата и култът в Древен Египет.

Teodor Lekov, Emil Buzov (eds.)- Cult and Belief in Ancient Egypt: Proceedings of the Fourth International Congress for Young Egyptologists, 25—27 September 2012, Sofia, Sofia, East-West, 2014 - на английски език, от MEGA, формат PDF.Сваляне с ляв бутон (downloading by left button) и после през бутона Download.

Teodor Lekov, Emil Buzov (eds.)- Cult and Belief in Ancient Egypt: Proceedings of the Fourth International Congress for Young Egyptologists, 25—27 September 2012, Sofia, Sofia, East-West, 2014 

Teodor Lekov, Emil Buzov (eds.)- Cult and Belief in Ancient Egypt: Proceedings of the Fourth International Congress for Young Egyptologists, 25—27 September 2012, Sofia, Sofia, East-West, 2014 

- на английски език, от Google Docs,формат PDF. Сваляне с ляв бутон (downloading by left button) от страницата на предоставящия сървър, после през бутона стрелка надолу/after by down arrow button.

Teodor Lekov, Emil Buzov (eds.)- Cult and Belief in Ancient Egypt: Proceedings of the Fourth International Congress for Young Egyptologists, 25—27 September 2012, Sofia, Sofia, East-West, 2014 - на английски език, от Academia.Edu, формат PDF.Сваляне с ляв бутон (downloading by left button) и после през бутона Download. Academia.Edu изисква регистрация или влизане през Фейсбук/Google акаунт за сваляне на файловете/ Academia.Edu needs a registration (you can use the Facebook or Google account) for downloading. 


Added by: Admin | | Tags: древноегипетска религия, древноегипетска митология, Древен Египет, древноегипетски култ
Views: 957 | Placed till: 10.05.2022 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
The Fourth International Congress for Young Egyptologists (ICYE 2012) organized by Bulgarian Institute of Egyptology and The Department of Mediterranean and Eastern Studies at New Bulgarian University, Sofia was held between September 22th and 25 th 2012. The Congress was hosted by New Bulgarian University with the generous support of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.ICYE project was initiated in 2003 to omake possible exchange between young scholars of Egyptology, in order to let them be for the first time lectors of an international scientific meeting. During the years this idea led to the establishment of a new sociery of young and promising Egyptologists who are able to share their dreams and optimism, their hunger for knowledge and perspectives for research. ICYE became an opportunity for young people to establish long-term relationships with their colleagues from different countries and continents.
Te organization of ICYE 2012 was the biggest project of Bulgarian Institute of Egyptology (BIE). The topic of the congress was “Cult and Belief in Ancient Egypt”.

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