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Current Research in Egyptology 2011
15.07.2020, 10:01

Сборник египтоложки есета с най-разнообразна тематика свързана с Древен Египет: самовъзприемане, идентичност, музейно дело, погребално изкуство и практики, жилищно строителство, материална култура, митология, религия, търговия, икономика, тълкуване на сънищата и зараждане на науката египтология. Мултидисциплинарният подход включва археология, лингвистика, астрономия, историография, ботаника, религиознание, право и други направления. 


Heba Abd El Gawad; Nathalie Andrews; Maria Correas-Amador; Veronica Tamorri (eds.) - Current Research in Egyptology 2011: Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual Symposium, Oxford - Oakville (CT), Oxbow Books, 2012


Heba Abd El Gawad; Nathalie Andrews; Maria Correas-Amador; Veronica Tamorri (eds.) - Current Research in Egyptology 2011: Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual Symposium, Oxford - Oakville (CT), Oxbow Books, 2012


Heba Abd El Gawad; Nathalie Andrews; Maria Correas-Amador; Veronica Tamorri (eds.) - Current Research in Egyptology 2011: Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual Symposium, Oxford - Oakville (CT), Oxbow Books, 2012

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Added by: Admin | | Tags: Древен Египет, древноегипетска археология, древноегипетска архитектура, древноегипетски език, древноегипетска история, древноегипетско изкуство, древноегипетска търговия, древноегипетска икономика, древноегипетска религия, египтология, древноегипетско общество, древноегипетско право, древноегипетска митология
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1 Admin  
The twelfth annual Current Research in Egyptology symposium aimed to highlight the multidisciplinary nature of the field of Egyptology. Papers in these proceedings reflect this multidisciplinarity, with research based on Archaeology, Linguistics, Cultural Astronomy, Historiography, Botany, Religion and Law, amongst others. By means of one or several of these disciplines, contributors to this volume approach a broad range of subjects spanning from Prehistory to modern Egypt, including: self-presentation, identity, provenance and museum studies, funerary art and practices, domestic architecture, material culture, mythology, religion, commerce, economy, dream interpretation and the birth of Egyptology as a discipline.
1. Tell me your name and I can tell you how your kingship was: The royal names of the first three Ptolemies (323–222 BC) (Heba Abd El-Gawad)
2. The Old Kingdom tomb of Pehenuka and the attribution of fragments from the offering scene (Keith R. Amery)
3. Figured ostraca from Deir el-Medina (Joanne Backhouse)
4. The Egyptian ascension mythology of the Old Kingdom and the phenomenon of star phases (Bernardette Brady)
5. Goddesses Gone Wild: the Seven Hathors in the New Kingdom (Asha Chauhan Field)
6. The early precursors of tomb security (Reg Clark)
7. ‘Living in a material world’: understanding and interpreting life in an Egyptian mud house (Maria Correas-Amador)
8. Wood exploitation in ancient Egypt: where, who and how? (Flavie Deglin)
9. Antonio Bernal de O’Reilly and the discovery of ancient Egypt in Spain (Javier Fernández Negro)
10. The influence of Christianity on burial practices in Middle Egypt from the fourth to the sixth centuries (Deanna Heikkinen)
11. Legitimation and ontological changes in the royal figure of Queen Hatshepsut (c. 1479–1458 BC) (Virginia Laporta)
12. The Phenomenon of “personal religion” in the Ramesside Period, from the “Poem” of Ramses II through to the Prayers of Ramses III (Diana Liesegang)
13. The Encircling Protection of Horus (David Ian Lightbody)
14. Visual and written evidence for mourning in New Kingdom Egypt (Emily Millward)
15. The Welshpool Mummy (Pauline Norris)
16. More ways of analysis: the differences faces of a stela (Stefania Pignattari)
17. Classifying dreams, classifying the world: ancient Egyptian oneiromancy and demotic dream books (Luigi Prada)
18. Aspects of trading with New Kingdom Egypt (Birgit Schiller) 19. On defining myth: comparisons of myth theory from an egyptological viewpoint (David Stewart)
20. Manipulated corpses in Predynastic Egyptian tombs: deviant or normative practices? (Veronica Tamorri)
Hippo goddesses of the Egyptian pantheon (Aroa Velasco Pírez)

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