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Dust, Demons and Pots. Studies in Honour of Colin A. Hope
15.01.2023, 08:29

Сборник от 54, основно египтоложки статии в чест на Колин А. Хоуп, професор по египтология и древноегипетска археология в университета Монаш, Мелбърн, Австралия. Обхватът на изследванията е изключително разнообразен, като включва най-различни теми: изкуство, археология, език, литература. Териториално са представени както долината на Нил, така и околните оазиси и пустини, а времевата рамка се разпростира от праисторическия период до епохата на римското владичество и дори до по-късно. Все пак най-многобройни измежду настоящите публикации са тези, посветени на древноегипетската керамика и нейната декорация.

Ashten R. Warfe, James C. R. Gill, Caleb R. Hamilton, Amy J. Pettman and Dawid A. Stewart (eds.) - Dust, Demons and Pots. Studies in Honour of Colin A. Hope, Leuven - Paris - Bristol (CT), Peeters Publishers, 2020 [Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 289]

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Added by: Admin | | Tags: древноегипетска керамика, древноегипетско изкуство, египтология, Древен Египет, древноегипетски език, древноегипетска археология, древноегипетска литература
Views: 384 | Placed till: 15.02.2023 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
This volume brings together fifty-four studies on ancient Egypt and its interconnections with neighbouring regions to celebrate the career of Colin Hope. Presented by friends, colleagues and former students, contributions to the volume offer original research and fieldwork discoveries informed by new interpretations and insights on contemporary issues in Egyptology. In recognition of Colin Hope's extensive research interests, the subjects of discussion are wide-ranging in their exploration of the art, archaeology, language and literature of Egypt from prehistory to the pharaonic period, the Roman period and later. Also included are studies on the reception of Egyptology and discussions on museum collections and material conservation. A feature of the volume is the range of studies that come from contexts within the Nile Valley proper and the desert regions beyond. Together, the contrasting perspectives reflect important directions in an ever-expanding discipline and in the long-standing contributions made to it by Colin Hope.

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