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Edward William Lane - Description of Egypt
08.09.2020, 16:47

Интересен дневник за пътуването из Египет на Едуард Уилям Лейн (1801-1876). Авторът е известен с публикациите си за бита и обичаите на съвременните му египтяни и с превода от арабски на знаменития сборник "1001 нощ". В пътеписа е отделено значително внимание на древните архитектурни паметници от епохата на фараоните.


Edward William Lane - Description of Egypt: Notes and Views in Egypt and Nubia, Cairo, The American University of Cairo Press, 2000


Edward William Lane - Description of Egypt: Notes and Views in Egypt and Nubia, Cairo, The American University of Cairo Press, 2000

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Views: 463 | Placed till: 08.10.2020 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
The launching of this hitherto unpublished book by the great nineteenth-century British traveler Edward William Lane (1801–76), a name known to almost everyone in all the many fields of Middle East studies, is a major publishing event. Lane was the author of a number of highly influential works: An Account of the Manners and Customs of the Modern Egyptians (1836), his translation of The Thousand and One Nights (1839–41), Selections from the Kur-an (1843), and the Arabic–English Lexicon (1863–93). Yet one of his greatest works was never published: after years of labor and despite an enthusiastic reception by the publishing firm of John Murray in 1831, publication of his first book, Description of Egypt, was delayed and eventually dropped, mainly for financial reasons. The manuscript was sold to the British Library by Lane’s widow in 1891, and has only now been salvaged for publication by Dr. Jason Thompson, nearly 170 years after its completion. This enormously important book, which takes the form of a journey through Egypt from north to south, with descriptions of all the ancient monuments and contemporary life that Lane explored along the way, will be of immense interest to both ancient and modern historians of Egypt.

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