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Egypt 2015: Perspectives of Research
20.02.2022, 07:56

Сборник доклади от седмия конгрес на европейските египтолози, състоял се от 02 до 07 юни 2015 в Загреб, Хърватска.

Mladen Tomorad, Joanna Popielska-Grzybowska (eds.) - Egypt 2015: Perspectives of Research. Proceedings of the Seventh European Conference of Egyptologists (2nd-7th June, 2015, Zagreb – Croatia) , Oxford, Archaeopress, 2017 [Archaeopress Egyptology 18]

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Mladen Tomorad, Joanna Popielska-Grzybowska (eds.) - Egypt 2015: Perspectives of Research. Proceedings of the Seventh European Conference of Egyptologists (2nd-7th June, 2015, Zagreb – Croatia) , Oxford, Archaeopress, 2017 [Archaeopress Egyptology 18]

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Added by: Admin | | Tags: Древен Египет, египтология
Views: 361 | Placed till: 20.03.2022 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
The Seventh Central European Conference of Egyptologists. Egypt 2015: Perspectives of Research (CECE7) was held at the University of Zagreb in Croatia in 2015. It was co-organised by two scholarly institutions: the Department of History at the Centre for Croatian Studies of the University of Zagreb, Croatia (Dr Mladen Tomorad), and the Department of Ancient Cultures of the Pułtusk Academy of Humanities in Pułtusk, Poland (Dr Joanna Popielska-Grzybowska).

This book presents a selection of papers which were read at the conference. The volume is divided into six sections in which thirty-two scholars from fourteen European countries cover various fields of modern Egyptological research. The first group of five papers is devoted to language, literature and religious texts; in the second section three authors describe various themes related to art, iconography and architectural studies; the third group contains four contributions on current funerary and burial studies; in the fourth (largest) section, ten authors present their recent research on material culture and museum studies; the fifth is concerned with the history of Ancient Egypt; and in the last (sixth), two authors examine modern Egyptomania and the 19th century travellers to Egypt.

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