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Égypte antérieure. Mélanges de préhistoire et d’archéologie offerts à Béatrix Midant-Reynes par ses étudiants, collègues et amis
21.01.2023, 16:00

Сборник египтоложки изследвания, фокусирани върху Преддинастичния и Раннодинастичния периоди в историята и археологията на Древен Египет и посветени на френската археоложка Беатрис Мидант-Рейне; бивш директор на IFAO и ръководител на множество разкопки. Сред темите са разнообразните области на интерес, които са отличавали нейните научни търсения: хронология, взаимодействие между плодородната долина и пустините, археология на селищата и човешките жертвоприношения, Египет и Близкият Изток, танатология на древните общества и др.

Nathalie Buchez, Yann Tristant (éds.) - Égypte antérieure. Mélanges de préhistoire et d’archéologie offerts à Béatrix Midant-Reynes par ses étudiants, collègues et amis, Leuven - Paris - Bristol (CT), Peeters Publishers, 2021 [Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 304]

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Added by: Admin | | Tags: древноегипетска археология, раннодинастичен период, Преддинастичен период, Древен Египет, Делта
Views: 354 | Placed till: 21.02.2023 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 2
1 Admin  
Cet ouvrage se veut un hommage a Beatrix Midant-Reynes, dont la longue carriere de lithicienne, d'archeologue et d'egyptologue est intimement liee a l'Egypte des origines, meme si ses travaux couvrent un large eventail de disciplines. Beatrix Midant-Reynes est une figure majeure des etudes concernant la prehistoire egyptienne et la periode predynastique. Son oeuvre a une influence considerable tant pour les nouvelles theories qu'elle a posees concernant la constitution des premieres societes nilotiques et l'emergence de l'Etat en Egypte, que des techniques de fouille ou d'analyse du materiel archeologique. Ce volume de melanges propose 35 contributions, redigees en francais et en anglais, dues a des universitaires, des chercheurs et des conservateurs de musee. Les themes abordes, tous chers a leur dedicataire, illustrent la curiosite intellectuelle et les centres d'interet de Beatrix Midant-Reynes: la chronologie, le neolithique des deserts, le materiel lithique, les relations entre l'Egypte et le Proche-Orient, le sacrifice humain, l'habitat, le site d'Adaima, le Delta du Nil, la culture materielle, l'anthropologie de terrain, les premieres dynasties egyptiennes, etc.

2 Admin  
This book is a tribute to Beatrix Midant-Reynes, whose long career as a lithic specialist, archaeologist, and Egyptologist is intimately linked to early Egypt, even though her work covers a wide range of disciplines. Beatrix Midant-Reynes is a major scholarly figure in the study of Egyptian prehistory and the Predynastic period. Her work has had a considerable influence in the new theories she has proposed concerning the constitution of the first Nilotic societies and the emergence of the State in Egypt, but also for the techniques of excavation and analysis of archaeological material she has introduced. This volume of essays offers 35 contributions, written in French and in English, by scholars, researchers, and museum curators. The variety of topics illustrates the intellectual curiosity and interests of Beatrix Midant-Reynes: chronology, the Neolithic of the deserts, lithic material, relations between Egypt and the Near East, human sacrifice, settlement archaeology, the site of Adaima, the Nile Delta, material culture, archaeothanatology, the first Egyptian dynasties, etc.

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