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James Henry Breasted - Collected Works
16.05.2021, 12:22



Джеймс Хенри Брестед (1865-1935) с право е наричан баща на американската египтология. Родом от Илинойс, той получава образованието си в Йейл и Берлинския университет, където се запознава с достиженията на водещите египтолози от немската школа. Академичната му кариера преминава в Чикагския университет, където през 1919 г. основава знаменития Чикагски институт по ориенталистика. Провежда множество полеви изследвания и разкопки в Египет с финансовата помощ на Рокфелер (1919-1920). През 1923 е първият археолог, избран за член на американската Национална академия на науките. Научните заслуги на Брестед като първопроходец са многобройни: първият систематичен превод на древноегипетски първоизточници на английски език, първата американска история на Древен Египет, изобретяване на термина "Плодороден Полумесец". Брестед е обичан от студентите си, включително като наставник на техните спортни отбори. Атрактивният му външен вид и държане го превръщат в прототип на популярния филмов герой Индиана Джоунс.

James Henry Breasted - Ancient Records of Egypt: Historical Documents from the Earliest Times to the Persian Conquest. Volume I. The First to the Seventeenth dynasty, Champaign (IL), University of Illinois Press, 2001

James Henry Breasted - Ancient Records of Egypt: Historical Documents from the Earliest Times to the Persian Conquest. Volume II. The Eighteenth dynasty, Champaign (IL), University of Illinois Press, 2001

James Henry Breasted - Ancient Records of Egypt: Historical Documents from the Earliest Times to the Persian Conquest. Volume III. The Nineteenth dynasty, Champaign (IL), University of Illinois Press, 2001

James Henry Breasted - Ancient Records of Egypt: Historical Documents from the Earliest Times to the Persian Conquest. Volume IV. The Twentyeth to twenty-sixth dynasties, Champaign (IL), University of Illinois Press, 2001

James Henry Breasted - Ancient Records of Egypt: Historical Documents from the Earliest Times to the Persian Conquest. Volume V. Supplementary Bibliographies and Indices, Champaign (IL), University of Illinois Press, 2001

James Henry Breasted - The battle of Kadesh: a study in the earliest known military strategy, Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 1903

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James Henry Breasted - The Temples of Lower Nubia: Report of the Work of the Egyptian Expedition, Season of 1905-06, Chicago, The University of Chicago (Oriental Exploration Fund) , 1906

James Henry Breasted - The origins of civilization, Washington, Science Press, 1919

- на английски език, от The University of Chicago, формат PDF, файлът не е архивиран.Свалянето става с десен бутон (right bottom) и Save as...

J. H. Breasted - The Edwin Smith Surgical Papyrus, Volume 1: Hieroglyphic Transliteration, Translation, and Commentary, Chicago, The Orienntal Institute of The University of Chicago, 1991

J. H. Breasted - The Edwin Smith Surgical Papyrus, Volume 2: Facsimile Plates and Line for Line Hieroglyphic Transliteration, Chicago, The Orienntal Institute of The University of Chicago, 1991

James Henry Breasted - Egypt through the Stereoscope: A Journey through the Land of the Pharaohs, Chicago, The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, 2010

James Henry Breasted - Letters from James Henry Breasted to His Family, (August 1919 - July 1920). Letters home during the first Oriental Institute's Expedition into Middle East, Chicago, The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, 2010

- на английски език, от The Chicago Oriental Institute, формат PDF, файлът не е архивиран.Свалянето става с десен бутон (right bottom) и Save as...

James Henry Breasted - A new chapter in the life of Thutmose III, Leipzig, J.C. Hinrichs'sche Buchhandlung, 1900

- на английски език, от The Internet Archive, формат PDF.Свалянето става с десен бутон (downloading by right button) и Save as... 

James Henry Breasted - Ancient Times: a history of the early world. An intoduction to the study of Ancient History and the Career of the Early Man, Boston, Ginn and Company, 1916

James Henry Breasted - A History of Egypt from Earliest Times to the Persian Conquest, New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1912

James Henry Breasted - Development of religion and thought in ancient Egypt : lectures delivered on the Morse Foundation at Union Theological Seminary, New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1912

James Henry Breasted, Carl Frederick Huth - A teacher's manual accompanying the Breasted-Huth ancient history maps, Chicago, Denoyer - Geppert Co., 1918

James Henry Breasted - Survey of the Ancient World, Boston, Ginn & Co., 1919

James Henry Breasted - Some experiences in the tomb of Tutenkhamon, Chicago, The University of Chicago, 1923

James Henry Breasted - The Dawn Of Conscience, New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1933

James Henry Breasted - The Conquest Of Civilization, New York - London, Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1956

- на английски език, от The Internet Archive, формат PDF.Свалянето става с десен бутон (downloading by right button) и Save as...

James Henry Breasted - Geschichte Aegyptens. Mit einem Bilderanhang: Die ägyptische Kunst, Vienna, Phaidon Verlag - George Allen & Unwin Ltd, 1936

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Джеймс Генри Брэстед, Борис А. Тураев - История Древнего Египта, Минск, Харвест, 2003  

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Added by: Admin | | Tags: Джеймс Хенри Брестед, древноегипетска археология, египтология, древноегипетска история
Views: 1126 | Placed till: 16.11.2022 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 3
1 Admin  
James Henry Breasted (August 27, 1865 – December 2, 1935) was an American archaeologist, Egyptologist, and historian. After completing his PhD at the University of Berlin in 1894, he joined the faculty of the University of Chicago. In 1901 he became director of the Haskell Oriental Museum at the university, where he continued to concentrate on Egypt. In 1905 Breasted was promoted to full professor, and held the first chair in Egyptology and Oriental History in the United States.

In 1919 he founded the Oriental Institute at the University of Chicago, a center for interdisciplinary study of ancient civilizations. Breasted was a committed field researcher, and had a productive interest in recording and interpreting ancient writings, especially from sources and structures that he feared may be lost forever.

James Henry Breasted was born on August 27, 1865, the son of a small hardware business owner and his wife, in Rockford, Illinois. His ancestors went back to early colonial Dutch and English, with the family name Van Breestede. He was educated at local public schools before attending North Central College (then North-Western College). He graduated from there in 1888, and attended Chicago Theological Seminary, but transferred to Yale University to study Hebrew. He studied with William Rainey Harper, who had great influence on the teaching of the language. He received a master's degree from Yale in 1891. His mentor Harper had just accepted the presidency of the University of Chicago and encouraged Breasted to study at the University of Berlin for his doctorate, and then to join him in Chicago. Breasted studied the Egyptian language under the instruction of Adolf Erman. Erman had just established a new school of Egyptology, concentrating systematically on grammar and lexicography. Breasted received his doctorate in 1894, producing an edition of the sun hymns of El 'Amǎrneh period for his thesis. He was the first American citizen to obtain a PhD in Egyptology.

2 Admin  
In 1894 Breasted married Frances Hart. Hart and her sisters were in Germany at the same time as Breasted, where they were learning the German language and studying music. The couple honeymooned in Egypt. It was a working vacation, as Breasted had been recruited to build a collection of Egyptian antiquities for the University of Chicago. Frances Hart Breasted died in 1934. Breasted married one of her sisters.

Breasted popularized the term "Fertile Crescent" to describe the archaeologically important area including parts of present-day Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine and Israel.
Breasted became an instructor at the University of Chicago in 1894 soon after earning his doctorate. Five years later the university agreed to his accepting an invitation from the Prussian Academy of Sciences to work on its Egyptian dictionary project. From 1899 to 1908 he did fieldwork in Egypt, which established his reputation. He began to publish numerous articles and monographs, as well as his History of Egypt from the Earliest Times Down to the Persian Conquest in 1905. At that time he was promoted to Professor of Egyptology and Oriental History for Chicago (the first such chair in the United States).

In 1901 Breasted was appointed director of the Haskell Oriental Museum (forerunner of the Oriental Institute), which had opened at the University of Chicago in 1896. Though the museum contained works of art from both the Near East and the Far East, Breasted's principal interest was in Egypt. He began to work on a compilation of all the extant hieroglyphic inscriptions, which was published in 1906 as Ancient Records of Egypt, and continues to be an important collection of translated texts. As Peter A. Piccione wrote in the preface to its 2001 reprint, it "still contains certain texts and inscriptions that have not been retranslated since that time."

Through the years, as Breasted built up the collection of the Haskell Oriental Museum, he dreamed of establishing a research institute, "a laboratory for the study of the rise and development of civilization", that would trace Western civilization to its roots in the ancient Middle East. As World War I wound down, he sensed an opportunity. He wrote to John D. Rockefeller Jr., son of the major donor to the University, and proposed founding what would become the Oriental Institute. He planned a research trip through the Middle East, which he suggested was ready to receive scholars. Rockefeller responded by pledging $50,000 over five years for the Oriental Institute. He separately assured the University of Chicago President Judson to pledge another $50,000 to the cause. The University of Chicago contributed additional support and, in May 1919, the Oriental Institute was founded.

Breasted had two key objectives for the field trip: to purchase antiquities for the Oriental Institute and to select sites for future excavation. The research group consisted of Breasted and four of his students (or former students): Ludlow Bull, William Edgerton (both graduate students in Egyptology); Daniel Luckenbill (professor of Assyriology at the University of Chicago), and William Shelton (a former student who was a professor of Semitic languages at Emory University).

3 Admin  
As Breasted scouted future archaeological sites and visited antiquities dealers, he came to know many of the British political figures and scholars working in Egypt. These included Gertrude Bell, Howard Carter, Lord Carnarvon, Lord Allenby, and the Arab leader Faisal, who would become king of Iraq. Due to Breasted's extensive travels and knowledge of the political situation throughout the Middle East, Lord Allenby, at that time the High Commissioner for Egypt, requested that he inform the British Prime Minister and Earl Curzon about the hostility of the western Arabs to the occupying British forces before returning to the United States.

Breasted's acquisitions were significant for the growth and scope of the collections of the Oriental Institute and the Art Institute of Chicago. One of his best-known purchases was the mummy of Meresamun, a singer in the interior of the Temple of Amun at Karnak.

The first excavation conducted by the Oriental Institute was in Egypt at Medinet Habu, one of the sites he had recommended. Breasted returned to Egypt frequently; between 1922 and 1927 he supported Howard Carter's excavation of Tutankhamun's tomb. He applied his expertise in deciphering seals, and was present during the dismantling of the shrine that contained the King's sarcophagus. He also acted as mediator between Carter and the Egyptian authorities during the dispute that halted the excavation in 1924–25. He was often accompanied to Egypt by his son Charles who, under an assumed name, wrote first-hand reports on the Tutankhamun excavation for the Chicago Daily News and The Christian Science Monitor. 

On April 25, 1923, Breasted became the first archaeologist to be elected to membership in the National Academy of Sciences. The honor helped to legitimize the struggling profession of archaeology in American academic circles. He served as the president of the History of Science Society in 1926.

Breasted died in New York City on December 2, 1935 of a streptococcus infection after returning from his last expedition. Breasted is buried in Greenwood Cemetery, in Rockford, Illinois. His grave site is marked with a large Aswan granite cube, marked simply with his name and "historian and archaeologist."

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