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One who loves knowledge: studies in honor of Richard Jasnow
01.09.2024, 13:27

Сборник от 39 египтологически материала в чест на Ричард Яснов, известен американски египтолог и професор по демотика в университета Джон Хопкинс. Тематиката на статиите е съобразена с изследванията на чествания учен, като обхваща демотическото писмо и демотическата литература - по-конкретно Книгата на Тот, бога на мъдростта Тот, историята на Египет през епохата на Птолемеите, както и много други въпроси.

Betsy Bryan, Mark Smith, Christina Di Cerbo, Marina Escolano-Poveda, Jill S. Waller (eds.) - One who loves knowledge: studies in honor of Richard Jasnow, Columbus (GA), Lockwood Press, 2022 [Material and Visual Culture of Ancient Egypt 6]

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Added by: Admin | | Tags: демотическо писмо, Древен Египет, древноегипетска литература, египтология, Птолемеи, Тот, Книга на Тот, древноегипетски език
Views: 1058 | Placed till: 01.10.2024 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
The thirty-nine articles in this volume, One Who Loves Knowledge, have been contributed by colleagues, students, friends, and family in honor of Richard Jasnow, professor of Egyptology at Johns Hopkins University. Despite his claiming to be just a demoticist, Richard Jasnow's research interests and specialties are broad, spanning religious and historical topics, along with new editions of demotic texts, including most particularly the Book of Thoth. A number of the authors demonstrate their appreciation for Jasnow's contributions to the understanding of this difficult text. The volume also includes other studies on literature, Ptolemaic history, and even the god Thoth himself, and features detailed images and abundant hieroglyphic, hieratic, demotic, Coptic, and Greek texts.

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