Събота, 27.07.2024, 14:47
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The Afterlives of Egyptian History: Reuse and Reformulation of Objects, Places, and Texts
17.07.2024, 05:55

Нищо не остава вечно същото. Това е един от неизменните закони на природата, историята и археологията, който се повтаря непрестанно при всички велики цивилизации. Египетската не прави изключение. Предмети, текстове, сгради променят своите функции, употреба, значение, смисъл, тълкуване и възприемане. Гробниците на мъртвите се превръщат в жилища за живите и обратно. Храмовете сменят своите богове или се използват за гробници. Литературни паметници претърпяват невероятни трансформации в разбирането, които биха зашеметили от изненада техните автори. На тези любопитни промени и тяхното значение за осъзнаването на египетската цивилизация е посветен този сборник.

Yekaterina Barbash, Kathlyn M. Cooney (eds.) - The Afterlives of Egyptian History: Reuse and Reformulation of Objects, Places, and Texts. A Volume in Honor of Edward L. Bleiberg, Cairo-New York, The American University in Cairo Press, 2021  

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Added by: Admin | | Tags: Древен Египет, древноегипетско наследство, древноегипетска култура, древноегипетска цивилизация, древноегипетска археология
Views: 474 | Placed till: 17.08.2024 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
An examination of the myriad lifetimes lived by ancient Egyptian artifacts
Egypt has a particular longue durée, a continuity of preservation in deep time, not seen in other parts of the world. Over the centuries, ancient buildings have been adopted for purposes that differed from the original. Temple sites have been transformed into places of worship for new deities or turned into houses and tombs. Tombs, in turn, have been adapted to function as human dwellings already in the Late Antique Period.
The Afterlives of Egyptian History expands on the traditional academic approach of studying the original function and sociopolitical circumstances of ancient Egyptian objects, texts, and sites to examine their secondary lives by exploring their reuse, modification, and reinterpretation.
Written in honor of the Egyptologist, Edward Bleiberg, this volume brings together a group of luminous scholars from a wide range of fields, including Egyptian archaeology, philology, conservation, and art, to explore the historical circumstances, as well as political and economic situations, of people who have come into contact with ancient Egypt, both in antiquity and in more recent times.

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