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Alan Wynn Shorter - Catalogue of Egyptian religious papyri in The British Museum: Copies of the book PR(T)-M-HRW
29.10.2019, 11:00

Пълен списък на папирусите с копия на древноегипетската "Книга на мъртвите" през периода XV-VIII в. пр.н.е. с подробно описание на документите и изложение на текста.

Alan Wynn Shorter - Catalogue of Egyptian religious papyri in The British Museum: Copies of the book PR(T)-M-HRW from the XVIIIth to the XXIIrd dynasty. 1. Description of papyri with text, London, British Museum, 1938

- на древноегипетски език (йероглифи и йератическо писмо) и английски език, от The Internet Archive, формат PDF.Свалянето става с десен бутон (downloading by right button) и Save as...


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Views: 1294 | Placed till: 29.11.2019 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
A full list of papyri with copies of the Ancient Egyptian "Book of the Dead" dated the 15th-8th centuries BC with a detailed description of the documents and an outline of the text.

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