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Ancient Egyptian Literature: Theory and Practice
08.11.2021, 21:25

Сборник египтоложки материали, посветен на актуалните направления в изучаването на древноегипетската литература и нейната интерпретация, както и на методологията за нейния анализ.

Roland Enmarch, Verena M. Lepper (eds.) - Ancient Egyptian Literature: Theory and Practice, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2013 [Proceedings of the British Academy 188]

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Roland Enmarch, Verena M. Lepper (eds.) - Ancient Egyptian Literature: Theory and Practice, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2013 [Proceedings of the British Academy 188]

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Added by: Admin | | Tags: Древен Египет, древноегипетска литература
Views: 556 | Placed till: 08.12.2021 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
Although the literature of Ancient Egypt is comparatively poorly known compared to its art and architectural achievements, it has been the subject of intense study for almost 200 years, and constitutes one of the earliest literary traditions produced anywhere in the world. This book brings together work from many of the main researchers in the field of Ancient Egyptian literature, and reviews the numerous developments in the theoretical framework of interpretation more recently.

The field of literary studies has witnessed a rapid development. The application of more theoretically informed approaches to the ancient literary corpus, and a more detailed analysis of context, form, and reception, have fundamentally challenged the interpretative paradigms that formerly held sway. These papers enable many of the foremost researchers in the field to examine the overall state of work on the subject. Beginning with contributions from scholars working in the literatures of other ancient cultures (Mesopotamian, Old Testament, Classical), the book covers a wide range of Ancient Egyptian uses of written culture, with contributions covering the Middle Egyptian, Late Egyptian, and Demotic language stages. There are also contributions touching on genre, performance, intertextuality, biography, monumental context, and reception. The papers demonstrate the broad range of approaches currently used in interpreting Ancient Egyptian texts, and attest to the ongoing vitality of this field of study.

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