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Antonio J. Morales - The transmission of the Pyramid Texts of Nut
19.01.2019, 16:24

Монографията представя образа на богинята Нут, присъстващ в Текстовете от пирамидите от епохата на Старото царство. Обрисувано е пътешествието на починалите със слънчевата ладия в отвъдното, по време на което богинята се явява техен закрилник. Представена е ролята им в ритуалите през нощта, предшестваща погребението на покойника. Проследява се приемствеността на тези идеи през времето на Средното, Новото и Късното царство чак до епохата на Птолемеите, когато йероглифните надписи по стените на величествените храмове в Едфу, Дендера и Филе разказват варианти на същите тези истории.

Antonio J. Morales - The transmission of the Pyramid Texts of Nut. Analysis of their distribution and role in the Old and Middle Kingdoms, Hamburg, Helmut Buske Verlag, 2017 

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Antonio J. Morales - The transmission of the Pyramid Texts of Nut. Analysis of their distribution and role in the Old and Middle Kingdoms, Hamburg, Helmut Buske Verlag, 2017


Antonio J. Morales - The transmission of the Pyramid Texts of Nut. Analysis of their distribution and role in the Old and Middle Kingdoms, Hamburg, Helmut Buske Verlag, 2017

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Antonio J. Morales - The transmission of the pyramid texts into the Middle Kingdom: Philological aspects of a continuous tradition in Egyptian mortuary literature, Philadelphia (PA), University of Pennsylvania, 2013


Antonio J. Morales - The transmission of the pyramid texts into the Middle Kingdom: Philological aspects of a continuous tradition in Egyptian mortuary literature, Philadelphia (PA), University of Pennsylvania, 2013

- на английски език, от Google Docs,формат PDF. Сваляне с ляв бутон (downloading by left button) от страницата на предоставящия сървър, после през бутона стрелка надолу/after by down arrow button.




Added by: Admin | | Tags: Старо царство, Птолемеи, Нут, Средно царство, древноегипетска религия, древноегипетска литература, Древен Египет, Текстове от пирамидите
Views: 1283 | Placed till: 29.05.2022 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
This is the first treatment of Pyramid Texts dealing with the protection of the deceased by the goddess Nut and his safe journey to the afterlife. The use of these texts is considered in connection with the rituals performed during the hour-vigil in the night previous to the burial, and explores the transmission of the texts from the Old Kingdom to the Greco-Roman times, taking into account the latest examples in the ptolemaic temples of Dendera, Edfu, and Philae. 

In order to achieve the most complete assessment, this study develops an innovative interdisciplinary framework drawing not only on traditional methods of textual criticism and stemmatics, but also on analytical notions on context, meaning, and uses from the New Philology. It also presents a comprehensive and profound analysis of the phylogenetic relationships between sources and the intellectual and cultural mechanisms that played a major role in the manuscript dissemination. 

The volume can be found interesting for Egyptologists, Assyriologists, and, by its methodological tone, for those working on aspects of textual transmission, textual criticism, and New Philology.

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