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Hans Goedicke - Studies in the Hekanakhte Papers
13.03.2022, 08:40

Корпусът с лична и делова кореспонденция на Хеканахт, жрец към заупокойния храм на везира Ипи, живял по времето на Ментухотеп II (ок.  2060-2009 г. пр. н.е.) от XI  династия на ранното Средно царство.
Те са един от най-ранните примери на семейни писма в историята, като са адресирани към семейството на жреца, живеещо тогава в района на Фаюм. Написани са в делови стил, като дават безценна информация за живота, бита и икономическото състояние на египетската "средна класа" от онази епоха, както и за икономиката, счетоводството и математическите познания на древните египтяни по онова време.

Hans Goedicke - Studies in the Hekanakhte Papers, Baltimore (MD), Halgo Inc., 1984


Hans Goedicke - Studies in the Hekanakhte Papers, Baltimore (MD), Halgo Inc., 1984

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Added by: Admin | | Tags: Хеканахт, древноегипетска литература, древноегипетски писма, древноегипетска кореспонценция, Средно царство, древноегипетска икономика, древноегипетска математика, Древен Египет, папируси
Views: 727 | Placed till: 13.04.2022 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
The Heqanakht papyri or Heqanakht letters (also spelled Hekanakht) are a group of papyri dating to the early Middle Kingdom of Ancient Egypt that were found in the tomb complex of Vizier Ipi. Their find was located in the burial chamber of a servant named Meseh, which was to the right side of the courtyard of Ipi's burial complex. It is believed that the papyri were accidentally mixed into debris used to form a ramp to push the coffin of Meseh into the chamber. The papyri contain letters and accounts written by (or on behalf of) Heqanakht, a ka-priest of Ipi. Heqanakht himself was obliged to stay in the Theban area (probably because of his responsibilities in the necropolis), and thus wrote letters to his family, probably located somewhere near the capital of Egypt at that time, near the Faiyum. These letters and accounts were somehow lost and thus preserved. The significance of the papers is that they give rare and valuable information about lives of ordinary members of the lower upper class of Egypt during this period.

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