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Mark Smith - Texts for the Afterlife from Ptolemaic and Roman Egypt
28.02.2021, 10:06

Вярванията в отвъдното са ключов момент от профила на древноегипетската цивилизация от най-дълбока древност. Хилядолетната традиция развита от Текстовете от пирамидите, Текстовете от саркофазите и Книгата на мъртвите намира своя завършек в заупокойните текстове от ерата на Птолемеите и на римското владичество. От тези паметници ние научаваме как си представят задгробния живот египтяните от тази късна епоха, как се надяват да заслужат неговите блага и най-сетне как тези представи повлияват на правещата своите първи стъпки християнска религия. Настоящата книга включва превод на около 60 значими текста, придружени с подробен коментар.

Mark Smith - Traversing Eternity: Texts for the Afterlife from Ptolemaic and Roman Egypt, Oxford - New York, Oxford University Press, 2009


Mark Smith - Traversing Eternity: Texts for the Afterlife from Ptolemaic and Roman Egypt, Oxford - New York, Oxford University Press, 2009

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Added by: Admin | | Tags: древноегипетска религия, Римски Египет, Древен Египет, елинизъм, Птолемеи, древноегипетска литература
Views: 881 | Placed till: 28.06.2022 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
This book studies Egyptian ideas about death and the afterlife during the Ptolemaic and Roman Periods. Mark Smith analyses Egyptian attitudes toward death, looks at the various means by which the Egyptians attempted to ensure a smooth transition from existence in this world to that in the next, and examines how they envisaged life in the hereafter. Traversing Eternity is based on a corpus of sixty texts specially selected for the light which they throw upon these topics. Some of the texts are ritual in character, and were recited for the benefit of the deceased by priests, while others were interred along with the dead so that they themselves could make use of them in the afterlife. Each text is translated in its entirety, with annotation to elucidate obscure points, and each is supplied with a detailed introduction. Smith also addresses key issues such as that of continuity and change in Egyptian religious beliefs during the Ptolemaic and Roman Periods and attempts to answer the question of why the composition of texts for the afterlife flourished to such a remarkable extent at this time.

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