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Michael V. Fox - The Song of Songs and the Ancient Egyptian Love Songs
31.12.2023, 12:16

Песен на песните е може би най-истинската, най-естествената и най-човечната от книгите, влизащи в състава на свещената за евреите Библия (Танах). И няма как да е иначе, щом това е просто любовна песен, възпяваща най-жизнерадостното и смислено измежду всички човешки чувства.
Малко изследвана тема обаче е нейната връзка и всъщност произход от древноегипетската любовна лирика, която преживява истински разцвет в страната на фараоните дори хилядолетие по-рано. Тематиката, символиката, образите и терминологията - всичко това демонстрира убедително една доказана генетична приемственост. Анализът на тази обвързаност и нейната културна значимост е тема на настоящата монография.

Michael V. Fox - The Song of Songs and the Ancient Egyptian Love Songs, Madison (WI), The University of Wisconsin Press, 1985

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Added by: Admin | | Tags: Древен Египет, Песен на песните, древноегипетска поезия, Левант, библия, древноегипетска литература, древни евреи
Views: 551 | Placed till: 31.01.2024 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
As the title itself suggests, this book is a study in comparative literature. In this case it is a courageous undertaking which only someone who is both an accomplished Egyptologist and Biblical scholar would dare. Fox defines his goal as twofold- richer interpretation of both the Egyptian love songs and the Song of Songs. He places his emphasis upon the latter, "partly because earlier works usually illuminate later ones than the other way around, and partly because of a critical judgment that in artistry and insight the Song is a more significant object for interpretation".
In his introductory remarks the author states that in his opinion the similarities justify a hypothesis of probable genetic linkage. Acknowledging that a literary dependence cannot be proved without evidence of the author's acquaintance with the earlier works or other works that were themselves shaped under their influence, and admitting that such evidence is lacking, Fox proceeds by pointing out possible channels of transmission and making comparisons throughout the book. In the end he leaves the decision for or against his hypothesis up to the reader.
The organization of the book is excellent, and one of its notable strengths. It is divided into two parts of quasi-equal length. Part One deals with the texts themselves and Part Two (divided into six chapters) deals with the broader literary discussions which grow out of the exegesis of the poems, and which are often dependent upon the author's arguments in Part One. At the end of the volume there are three appendices containing some related Egyptian texts, a concordance of Egyptian words and the Hieroglyphic transcription of the Egyptian love songs. These appendices, along with five indices and a generous, up-to-date bibliography encourage the reader to pursue personal points of interest material.

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