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Robert J. Demarée - The Bankes' Late Ramesside Papyri
27.11.2019, 04:58

Почти пълно издание (десет основни документа) на колекцията папирусна кореспонденция на Уилям Джон Банкс (1786-1855), съхранявана понастоящем в Британския музей. Писмата са от късната епоха на Рамесидите (XI в. пр. н.е.). Изданието включва фоторепродукция на йератическите оригинали, йероглифна транслитерация, превод и коментари.

Robert J. Demarée - The Bankes' Late Ramesside Papyri, London, British Museum Press, 2006

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Added by: Admin | | Tags: йератично писмо, древноегипетска литература, Древен Египет, Рамесиди, папируси
Views: 1073 | Placed till: 27.12.2019 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
A group of late Ramesside papyri, collected by William John Bankes (1786-1855) at Thebes during his second journey to Upper Egypt in 1818, have an interesting modern history attached to them.
I.E.S. Edwards, the Keeper of Egyptian Antiquities at the British Museum from 1955 to 1974,
knew of the existence of the papyri collection at Kingston Lacy from Prof. P.E. Newberry and
wrote to H.J.R.Bankes to offer him access to them. The only problem was that the family did not know where to find them. During Edward's first visit all the likely places around the house were searched but with no result. During his second visit to Kingston Lacy, the collection was finally located having been carefully placed between the pages of a large atlas stored in the library.
Transliterations and translations of two complete papyri were published by Edwards in 1982 in his journal article The Bankes papyri I and II. The remaining documents in the collection were all fragmentary. In the 1950s and 1990s the Bankes papyri were all transferred to the British Museum for specialist care, conservation and storage by the National Trust.
Altogether there are 16 separate documents, some of them consisting of several fragments. They are a particularly exceptional group of manuscripts, since they include previously unknown letters by the best known of the Ramesside correspondents - the necropolis scribes Dhutmose and Butehamun - and the missing half of an already published letter, now known to have been written almost certainly by the famous general Payankh. The first half of the letter was published by Jac. Janssen in his Late Ramesside Letters and Communications (p. 37-39, pl. 23-24). The fragment (now BM Papyrus 10302) was later joined with another larger piece (BM Papyrus 75019) and four adjacent minor fragments (75020).  
In 2006 ten of the Bankes papyri were published by R.J. Demarée in his The Bankes Late
Ramesside Papyri.
The papyri have been conserved by Bridget Leach of the Museum's Department of Conservation and Scientific Research.

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