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The Archive of Thotsutmis, Son of Panouphis
21.11.2021, 07:48

Академично издание на един от най-големите архиви от демотически остракони от епохата на Птолемеите: този на Тотсутмис, син на Пануфис, глава на жреческо семейство от Деир ел Бахри препитаващо се основно с погребения и заупокойни ритуали. Колекцията хвърля обилна светлина върху бита и ежедневието на населението от онази епоха.

Brian P. Muhs, Foy D. Scalf, Jacqueline E. Jay - The Archive of Thotsutmis, Son of Panouphis. Early Ptolemaic Ostraca from Deir el Bahari (O. Edgerton), Chicago (IL), The Oriental Institute of The University of Chicago, 2021 [Oriental Institute Publications 146]

- на древноегипетски език (демотическо писмо и латинска транслитерация) и английски език, от Internet Archive, формат PDF. Свалянето става с десен бутон (downloading by right button) и Save as...


Added by: Admin | | Tags: Птолемеи, Деир ел Бахри, остракони, Древен Египет, древноегипетска епиграфика, древноегипетско общество
Views: 597 | Placed till: 21.12.2024 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
The Archive of Thotsutmis, Son of Panouphis presents for the first time one of the largest collections of Demotic ostraca to have been discovered intact by archaeologists in the twentieth century. Rarely have such deposits been found in situ. Excavated by Ambrose Lansing on behalf of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in 1915–16 at the site of Deir el Bahari, the integrity and context of this find are critical to the proper understanding of the texts it contained. Through the publication and analysis of this archive of Demotic and Greek texts recorded on ostraca, Muhs, Scalf, and Jay reconstruct the microhistory of Thotsutmis, son of Panouphis, and his family, who worked in Egypt on the west bank of Thebes as priests in the mortuary industry during the early Ptolemaic Period in the third century BC. The forty-two ostraca published in this volume provide a rare opportunity to explore the intersections between an intact ancient archive of private administrative documents and the larger social and legal contexts into which they fit. What the reconstructed microhistory reveals is an ancient family striving to make it among the wealthy and connected social network of Theban choachytes and pastophoroi, while they simultaneously navigated the bureaucratic maze of taxes, fees, receipts, and legal procedures of the Ptolemaic state.

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