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In Search of Cosmic Order: Selected Essays on Egyptian Archaeoastronomy
11.04.2021, 07:32

Наистина ли астрономията е играла важно значение в древноегипетската култура? Наистина ли гигантските архитектурни съоръжения в страната на пирамидите са ориентирани съобразно разположнието на небесните тела? Задачата на екип от испански и египетски учени е да даде отговора на този въпрос. И той е еднозначен - проучването на над 330 храма в различни региони на страната: Делтата, Среден Египет, Тиванската област и оазисите в Западната пустиня потвърждават тази хипотеза.

Juan Antonio Belmonte, Mosalam Shaltout (eds.) - In Search of Cosmic Order: Selected Essays on Egyptian Archaeoastronomy, Cairo, Supreme Council of Antiquities Press, 2009

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Added by: Admin | | Tags: древноегипетска наука, древноегипетска астрономия, древноегипетска религия, Древен Египет
Views: 533 | Placed till: 11.05.2021 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
This collection of studies by specialists in Egyptology and astronomy attempts to unlock some of the secrets of ancient Egyptian civilization. Among the subjects examined are the constellations of ancient Egypt, the Egyptian calendar, and landscape and symbolism, especially how they relate to the orientation of temples and royal tombs.
Over the past five years, the Egyptian-Spanish Mission on the archaeoastronomy of ancient Egypt and its collaborators has been performing an ambitious scientific project with the aim of studying the cosmovision of the ancient civilization of the pharaohs. Part of the project has consisted of a re-analysis of the iconographic and historical sources that has allowed, among other things, a reassessment of the calendar theory and a new proposal for the sky-maps of ancient Egypt. For various reasons, Archaeoastronomy has not been one of the favourite disciplines of egyptologists in the past. Probably because of this, important questions such as the orientation of Egyptian temples and the relevance of astronomy in this respect had never been afforded with the requisite seriousness and depth. These works has had among its various priorities, the solution of this problem. In order to achieve this, the team has so far measured the orientation of some 330 temples in the Valley, the Delta, the Oases and the Sinai. The aim is to find a correct and almost definitive answer to the question of whether the ancient Egyptian sacred constructions were astronomically aligned or not. The results may provide an affirmative answer.

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