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Jennifer Witts - The role of magic and medicine in the lives of ancient Egyptian women and their children
14.12.2019, 15:58

Животът и здравето на жените и децата в Древен Египет са били  особено важни и предмет на специални грижи. В епоха, когато детската смъртност е била изключително висока, а раждането винаги е представлявало риск и за майката и за новороденото да бъдат опазени те е била най-важната задача както на лекари, така и на жреци. Тогава медицината и магията са неразривно свързани и терапевтичните средства и процедури са винаги обвързани с ритуали и заклинания.
Тези теми са предмет на изследване в настоящата дисертация, като изворите са разнообразни и групирани в две категории. Писмените паметници са медицинските и магически папируси, а материалните - различни амулети (вкл. т. нар. "магически ръце"), статуетки, магически стели, изображения по стенописи и т. н.

Jennifer Witts - The role of magic and medicine in the lives of ancient Egyptian women and their children, Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch University, 2005

- на английски език, от The Stellenbosch University, формат PDF.Свалянето става с десен бутон (downloading by right button) и Save as...

Jennifer Witts - The role of magic and medicine in the lives of ancient Egyptian women and their children, Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch University, 2005

- на английски език, от The Core, формат PDF.Свалянето става с десен бутон (downloading by right button) и Save as...


Added by: Admin | | Tags: древноегипетска медицина, Древен Египет, древноегипетска магия, древноегипетско семейство
Views: 1290 | Placed till: 14.01.2020 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
This thesis investigates the role that magic and medicine played in the lives of ancient Egyptian women and children. In a time when giving birth often ended in the death of the mother and child, and child mortality was extremely high, a variety of protective measures were undertaken by the ancient Egyptians. Medicine as the scientific treatment of ailments and women's health in general did exist in Egypt, however, life in Egypt was determined by religion and especially magic. The health of the ancient Egyptian woman and her child was studied by looking at the way in which magic influenced medicine, as well as by looking at how this connection between magic and medicine influenced the life and health of ancient Egyptian women and children. The research model followed was that of an interlinking society in which each aspect of Egyptian life had varying impacts on each other. The degree of impact of magic on aspects such as menstruation, conception and pregnancy was investigated, as well as, the magico-medical spells, amulets and other devices that were used to protect a woman and her baby. A catalogue of sources is given, including written and non-written sources. The first included the medical papyri and magical spells against evil forces and sickness. The second group were visual representations, divine statuettes, amulets and the specialized magical stelae (cippl) and "magical wands" ("Zaubermesser"). This thesis attempts to better understand how feminine issues such as menstruation, pregnancy, and giving birth were perceived and contended with, as well as to shed some light on the medical and magical treatment and protection of the women and children in ancient Egypt.

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