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Main » Ad Board » ДРЕВЕН ЕГИПЕТ И АФРИКА » Политическа история

Aidan Dodson - Monarchs of the Nile
18.03.2021, 07:39

В продължение на повече от три хилядолетия Египет се управлява от династии местни владетели. Могъщи или посредствени, всички те оставят своите имена върху стените на храмове и гробници, върху погребални дарове или предмети от бляскави съкровища. На тяхното управление е посветен настоящият обзор.
- Земята и нейният народ;
- Египетската монархия;
- Основателите;
- Първите строители на пирамиди;
- Тези, които отварят пътищата;
- Колапс и възстановяване;
- Придобилите Двете Земи;
- Освободителите;
- Царицата и Завоевателят;
- Слънчевите царе;
- Могъщество и слава;
- Делът на Рамесидите;
- Защитникът на границите;
- За царе и жреци;
- Възход и падение на либийските фараони;
- Другият Египет;
- Потъмняла слава;
- Залезът на местните владетели;

Aidan Dodson - Monarchs of the Nile, Cairo - New York, The American University of Cairo Press, 2002

- на английски език, от MEGA, формат EPUB.Сваляне с ляв бутон (downloading by left button) и после през бутона Download.


Added by: Admin | | Tags: Древен Египет, фараони, древноегипетска история
Views: 587 | Placed till: 18.04.2021 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
For over three thousand years, the ancient Egyptian monarchy lasted in a recognizable form, with the king as its central figure, the supreme head of the administrative, religious, political, and military state. Not merely a worldly leader, he was the chief link between the human and the divine, himself the physical offspring of a divine god. Monarchs of the Nile is a vivid and engaging account of the lives and times of some of the more significant occupants of the Egyptian throne, from the unification of the country around 3000 BC to the extinction of native rule just under three millennia later. Some, such as Thutmose III, had a major impact on their time, and were remembered by their own people until the very civilization collapsed. Others, such as Tutankhamun, were soon forgotten by the Egyptians themselves, only to burst into popular culture thousands of years after their deaths, as a result of the labors of modern archaeologists. Still more remain unknown outside the small circle of professional archaeologists, but led lives that call out for wider dissemination. Drawing on two further decades of research since Monarchs of the Nile was first published in 1995, Aidan Dodson provides a mix of all three categories, bringing together in highly readable form a compelling view of Egyptian kings and all their range of achievements.

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