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Ian Worthington - Ptolemy I: King and Pharaoh of Egypt
01.07.2017, 10:16

Птолемей I Лагид, наречен Сотер ("Спасител") е една от най-забележителните личности на IV-III в. пр. н.е. Другар от детството на самия Александър Велики, негов доверен генерал и "соматофилакс" (телохранител), участник във всички значими сражения от Мала Азия до долината на Инд, най-авторитетният между диадохите, фараон на Египет превърнал отново древната цивилизация във велика сила на Източното Средиземноморие, основател на най-дълготрайната династия на епохата - тази на Птолемеите, създател на най-великия културен център на Античността - Александрия, един от най-значимите фактори при създаването на културата на елинизма, тази историческа биография представя Птолемей I (305-283/2 г. пр. н.е.) във всички негови забележителни проявления като военачалник, администратор и покровител на културата.
- Младият Птолемей;
- Нахлуване в Персия с Александър;
- Кампанията в Афганистан:
- До Индия и обратно:
- Птолемей и възходът на Диадохите;
- Обезопасяване на Египет:
- Предизвикване на врага;
- Тялото на Александър;
- От сатрап до цар;
- Пръв между равни;
- Птолемей и Египет;
- Краят и след него;

Ian Worthington - Ptolemy I: King and Pharaoh of Egypt, New York, Oxford University Press, 2016  

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Added by: Admin | | Tags: Птолемеи, Древен Изток, Древна Индия, Древна Персия, елинизъм, фараони, Древен Иран, александрия, Древен Египет
Views: 1419 | Placed till: 06.08.2022 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
Who was responsible for founding the Ptolemaic dynasty from which she came, how, and when? For the answers we go back 300 years before Cleopatra's time, to Ptolemy of Macedonia. He was a friend of Alexander the Great, fighting with him in the epic battles and sieges, which toppled the Persian Empire, and after Alexander's death taking over Egypt after the dead king's commanders carved up his vast empire among themselves. They were soon at war with each other, the co-called Wars of the Successors, as each man fought to increase his share of the spoils. They made and broke alliances with each other cynically and effortlessly, with Ptolemy showing himself no different from the others. But unlike them he had patience and cunning that arguably made him the greatest of the Successors. He built up his power base in Egypt, introduced administrative and economic reforms that made him fabulously wealthy, and as a conscious imperialist he boldly attempted to seize Greece and Macedonia and be a second Alexander. As well as his undoubted military prowess, Ptolemy was an intellectual. He founded the great Library and Museum at Alexandria, making that city the intellectual center of the entire Hellenistic age, and even patronized the mathematician Euclid. Ptolemy ruled Egypt first as satrap and then as its king and Pharaoh for forty years, until he died of natural causes in his early eighties. On his death, his son, Ptolemy II, succeeded him, and the Ptolemaic dynasty was thus established. It was the longest-lived of all the Hellenistic dynasties, falling with Cleopatra three centuries later. As a king, soldier, statesman, and intellectual, Ptolemy was one of a kind, but, unlike Alexander, he never forgot his Macedonian roots. Against all odds, Ptolemy fought off invasions, invaded opponents' territories, and established an Egyptian empire, making his adopted country a power with which to be reckoned. His achievements shaped both Egypt's history and that of the early Hellenistic world.- First ever full-length biography of Ptolemy I in English.- Incorporates Ptolemy's own "History of Alexander" into the account and assesses its veracity, including new arguments for when and why Ptolemy wrote it.- Removes Ptolemy from being a peripheral figure in Alexander's campaign and even in the Wars of the Successors, and sets him center stage in the history of his times.

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