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Lindsey R.М. Weglarz - A Reevaluation of Cultural Identity and "Egyptianization" in Lower Nubia during the New K
10.02.2021, 11:49

През периода XVI-XI в. пр. н.е. Нубия, основно т. нар. Долна Нубия е египетската провинция под името Куш, начело с вицекрал. Тази епоха на египетско владичество води до силно културно влияние, както и на трайни асимилационни процеси, в които местното население се опитва заедно с процеса на въприемане достиженията на една висока цивилизация да съхрани и собствената си културна идентичност.

Lindsey Rae Marie Weglarz - Continuity and Change: A Reevaluation of Cultural Identity and "Egyptianization" in Lower Nubia during the New Kingdom, Chicago (IL), The University of Chicago, 2017

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Lindsey Rae Marie Weglarz - Continuity and Change: A Reevaluation of Cultural Identity and "Egyptianization" in Lower Nubia during the New Kingdom, Chicago (IL), The University of Chicago, 2017

- на английски език, от Google Drive, формат PDF. Сваляне с ляв бутон (downloading by left button) от страницата на предоставящия сървър, после през бутона стрелка надолу/after by down arrow button.


Added by: Admin | | Tags: куш, древноегипетска култура, Нубия, Древен Египет, древноегипетска цивилизация
Views: 473 | Placed till: 10.03.2021 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
One of most interresting egyptology research topics is to exploring the relationship between Ancient Egypt and Nubia. Specifically, to focus on Nubian identity and how this identity changed over time as Egyptian influence grew stronger. Given that burials are the prominent type of preserved sites in these areas, this will be explored through a mortuary context that will include both data from archaeological remains and ceramics.  This increasing amount of Egyptian influence in Nubia has lead scholars to discuss this relationship with the term “Egyptianization.” This is important because it would provide us with insight into how cultural practices change through passive and aggressive interactions, given that Egypt exerted military force against Nubia. Was this “Egyptianization” the result of forced assimilation? Was this a natural combination of cultures that formed due to an increase in migration and interaction? How did the Nubians identify when they were ruled under the Egyptians? Was there a cause to preserve Nubian culture and protect it from these influences? At what point would the Nubians be considered Egyptians? Influences from nearby cultures is very common, but at what point is it considered to just be a part of their own culture? How exactly do we define these things? We often hear about protecting the heritage of cultures and I believe that this is important, but cultures do also naturally change and adapt. Is it even possible to “protect” culture? Is really a bad thing to be influenced by other cultures or for certain aspects of your culture to change?  I think that this is a multi-faceted issue that can also help us better understand cultural identity in general.

For sources, the scientist tried to find a variety that provided historical contexts, mortuary contexts, new data, and the reevaluation of old data. All of these sources recognized the limitations caused by the small number of sites and a lack of diversity. In particular, this is what drew to Lindsey Rae-Marie Weglarz’ dissertation research. This research attempts to find new contexts that haven’t been explored in this way yet.  This source provides in-depth cultural and historical background as well as a great analysis of these contexts.

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