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Pascal Vernus, Jean Yoyotte - The Book of the Pharaohs
10.02.2024, 09:00

Кратка, но изключително информативна и увлекателно написана енциклопедия, фокусирана върху фараоните и техните династии, управлявали Древен Египет в продължение на повече от три хилядолетия. Времевият обхват на статиите е от 0 династия, подготвила и осъществила обединението на страната до епохата на римското владичество, превърнала Египет в интегрирана част от космополитния свят на Средиземноморието.
Освен материали посветени на владетелите в книгата са включени и такива, свързани с различни висши жречески и други длъжности, столиците на египетската държава, обзор на историческите източници, препоръчителна библиография и хронологически таблици.

Pascal Vernus, Jean Yoyotte - The Book of the Pharaohs, Ithaca (NY)-London, Cornel University Press, 2003

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Added by: Admin | | Tags: древноегипетска история, Древен Египет, древноегипетска цивилизация, фараони
Views: 799 | Placed till: 10.03.2024 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
The names of ancient Egyptian kings such as Cheops, Akhenaten, and Ramesses II have become part of popular culture. Yet, for all the tombs and statuary that have survived over the millennia, surprisingly little remains that speaks to the workings of government, cabals in the palace, political factions, and the private lives of the royal families. In The Book of the Pharaohs, Pascal Vernus and Jean Yoyotte offer an indispensable, basic reference to the full human reality of royal Egypt.
The Book of the Pharaohs is an encyclopedia made up of short essays on the pharaohs themselves, as well as on places, dynasties, personages, subjects, and themes relating to the kings and their rule. Entries range from "Adoratrices" (priestesses of Hathor, the Egyptian Aphrodite, whose role was to arouse the erotic impulse in the creator gods) and "Amarna" (the capital created by the heretic pharaoh Akhenaten) to "Scorpion" (who ruled before the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt) and "Zero Dynasty" (the designation for pre-pharaonic Egypt). In addition, Vernus and Yoyotte include a substantial essay on the sources for Egyptian history, a bibliography of books for general readers, and a chronological table that organizes the major periods of Egyptian history and notes the most illustrious royal names from each.

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