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Ptolemy I Soter: A Self-Made Man
03.04.2021, 07:27

Сборникът материали проследява политическата и военна кариера наедин от най-великите владетели от епохата на елинизма: Птолемей I Сотер (306-285 г. пр. н.е.). Анализират се личните качества и способности, които му позволяват да установи най-трайната и авторитетна династия владетели в Източното Средиземноморие след смъртта на Александър.

Timothy Howe (ed.) - Ptolemy I Soter: A Self-Made Man, Oxford - Philadelphia, Oxbow Books, 2018

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Added by: Admin | | Tags: елинизъм, Птолемей I Сотер, Древен Египет, Птолемей I, Птолемеи
Views: 369 | Placed till: 03.05.2021 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
As the founder of the longest-lasting of all the Hellenistic kingdoms, not only was Ptolemy I an able soldier and ruler, he was also an historian and, in Egyptian eyes, a living god. His own inclination and experience facilitated continuous acts of self-creation in a variety of forms, whether literary, dynastic, artistic, or political. The chapters in this book, written by field experts in numismatics, gender, warfare, historiography, Egyptology and religion, examine the many ways in which Alexander the Great's most successful Successor consciously made his own legacy.

1. Ptolemy: A Man of His Own Making
Waldemar Heckel
2. Ptolemy and the Destruction of the First Regency
Edward Anson
3. Building a Dynasty: The Families of Ptolemy I Soter
Sheila Ager
4. The Currency Reforms and Character of Ptolemy I Soter
Catherine Lorber
5. Ptolemy I: Politics, Religion and the Transition to Hellenistic Egypt
S. G. Caneva
6. Ptolemy Son of Lagos and the Egyptian Elite
Gilles Gorre
7. Kings Don't Lie: Truthtelling, Historiography and Ptolemy I Soter
Timothy Howe

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