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Thérèse Clarke - The Overseer of Upper Egypt in Egypt's Old Kingdom
25.02.2018, 10:47

Дисертация за ролята и правомощията на "наместник на Горен Египет (imy-r3 Šm´w)" в администрацията на Старото Царство.
Длъжността се появява за пръв път по времето на V династия (първата поовина на ХХV в. пр.н.е.), когато значението на провинциите в страната започва да нараства за сметка на централните управленски структури. Първият носител на титлата е Кай, могъщ везир при царуването на Нефериркара Какай и Ниусерра Ини. Обхватът на пълномощията е широк- включва както фискални, така и военни и контролни функции. Постът се заема основно от висши чиновници- везири или други висши сановници от централната администрация, впоследствие с него са удостоявани и провинциални чиновници от горноегипетските номи. В йерархията на Старото царство наместникът на Горен Египет е трети по ранг след самия фараон и везира.

Thérèse Clarke - The Overseer of Upper Egypt in Egypt's Old Kingdom. A re-examination of the role of the Overseer of Upper Egypt during the Old Kingdom. Volume I: Text, Sydney, Macquarie University, 2009

Thérèse Clarke - The Overseer of Upper Egypt in Egypt's Old Kingdom. A re-examination of the role of the Overseer of Upper Egypt during the Old Kingdom. Volume II: Maps and Appendices, Sydney, Macquarie University, 2009

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Thérèse Clarke - The Overseer of Upper Egypt in Egypt's Old Kingdom. A re-examination of the role of the Overseer of Upper Egypt during the Old Kingdom. Volume I: Text, Sydney, Macquarie University, 2009

Thérèse Clarke - The Overseer of Upper Egypt in Egypt's Old Kingdom. A re-examination of the role of the Overseer of Upper Egypt during the Old Kingdom. Volume II: Maps and Appendices, Sydney, Macquarie University, 2009

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Added by: Admin | | Tags: V династия, Старо царство, Горен Египет, везир, Древен Египет, древноегипетска администрация
Views: 1592 | Placed till: 25.03.2018 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
This Ph D thesis is dedicated to the role and powers of the Overseer of Upper Egypt (imy-r3 Šm´w) during the Old Kingdom - third rank in Egyptian administration after the pharaoh and the vizier. The Overseer of Upper Egypt was an important Ancient Egyptian title during the Old and Middle Kingdom periods. The title appears first in the early or middle Fifth Dynasty. The first title holder is the vizier Kay, who possibly lived during the reigns of Neferirkare Kakai and Nyuserre Ini. The office is well attested in the following years. Most titles holders had other high titles, many of them were viziers. In the Fifth Dynasty, the Egyptian provinces became more important. The central government installed an office in charge of the provinces. The first title holders were all officials at the royal residence. In later times also local officials were bearing the title.

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