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Timon D. van Basten - Ancient Egypt: The Egypt of Cleopatra
28.01.2018, 15:28

Вълнуващата история за Клеопатра (69 – 30 пр.н.е.) - гръцка принцеса и последен фараон на Египет от династията на Птолемеите.
- Египет на Птолемеите: възход и упадък;
- Приказните богатства на Египет: икономика, данъчна политика, търговия, Александрия като първият космополитен град;
- Растящата намеса на Рим в Египет;
- Клеопатра и Птолемей XII Авлет;
- Клеопатра и Рим: Юлий Цезар, Марк Антоний, Октавиан;
- Завладяването на Египет от Рим;
- Римски Египет: поземлена система, военно присъствие, данъчна система и други ключови реформи;

Timon D. van Basten - Ancient Egypt: The Egypt of Cleopatra (The Last Pharaoh), Charleston (SC),CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2015


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Added by: Admin | | Tags: Птолемеи, Древен Египет, Римски Египет, Птолемей XII, Клеопатра, елинизъм, древноегипетска история
Views: 1003 | Placed till: 28.02.2018 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
Are you fascinated by Cleopatra? Have you ever wondered what her life looked like and how she became the last pharaoh? Maybe you just want to learn more about ancient Egypt?
It’s time to learn the secrets how she became the most influential woman of HER WORLD. Be inspired and start living your dream!
The Egypt of Cleopatra is her biography to becoming the most powerful woman that has ever existed in Egyptian history. Based on REAL events. I’ve studied and researched ancient Egypt for years, and deeply understand their history and culture.
The Egypt of Cleopatra is NOT a fictional story full of incorrect information presented in a confusing and disorganized way.
If that’s what you’re looking for, The Egypt of Cleopatra isn’t for you. The biography I present is about correct and organized information and telling her story from beginning to the end.
You will learn the true story of Cleopatra.
The last Pharaoh of Egypt, was a very educated, crafty, ambitious AND clever woman. Her intellect and charisma – far greater than her beauty and sexuality - allowed her to keep the power for nearly twenty years by fighting against – and allying with - the greatest power at the time, Rome.
What will you learn about the Egypt of Cleopatra?
Background information of the short reign of Alexander the Great that forged the Egypt of Cleopatra.The rise and decline of Cleopatra’s powerful Ptolemaic dynasty after the death of Alexander.The settlement of Alexandria, the birth and home city of Cleopatra.The love-hate relationship between Rome and Egypt, and their wealth.In-depth background stories of Cleopatra’s childhood.How Cleopatra seduced the most powerful leaders of Rome and their legends.The fall of Egypt and how history was changed forever.
Questions that are being explained in great detail.
Who was Cleopatra?How did Cleopatra die and why?What is the Ptolemaic dynasty?How many children did Cleopatra have?Was Cleopatra pure Egyptian?What happened to Egypt after Cleopatra died?

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