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Ahmed Samy - The Goddess Menhyt
26.12.2019, 10:36

Менхит е древноегипетска богиня на войната с нубийски произход, името ѝ означава Убийца. Изобразявана е с глава на лъвица и е отъждествявана с по-познатата Сехмет. Свързана е с урея от короната на фараона, като божество-защитник. Счита се, че предвожда армиите и унищожава враговете със своите стрели. В района на Есна, Горен Египет е почитана като съпруга на Хнум и майка на Хека. Настоящата дисертация е детайлно изследване на тази богиня, без аналог сред научните разработки до момента.

Ahmed Samy Abdel-Sameea Abdel-Haleem - The Goddess Menhyt, Cairo, Ain Shams University, 2009

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Added by: Admin | | Tags: Хека, Хнум, Нубия, Горен Египет, Древен Египет, Есна, Менхит, древноегипетска митология, древноегипетска религия
Views: 1281 | Placed till: 26.01.2020 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
This thesis is a study on Menhyt as one of Egyptian local goddesses, venerated in Esna. It is worthy to note that the goddess was not studied in a complete research except for some scattered articles and she was not well known. Through the documents, it proves that Menhyt is not a minor goddess, but a great one.
The study goes in two main parts, documentation and analysis.

In the first part, the documentation of the goddess is gathered and classified according to the chronological order. This way of classification makes it easy to trace the development of the goddess throughout the Egyptian history.
The researching began with the first representation of the goddess in the Coffin Texts and then passed by the New Kingdom documents, ending with the Ptolemaic and Roman era.
These documentations cover the various temples in which the goddess was mentioned such as Medinet Habu, Abydos, Karnak, Derr, Dier Chelouit, Athribis, Edfu, Dendara and Esna. Then came some other documents of the goddess, as statues and stelae.
The second part is the analytic study of the documentations. This is the main part of the study where we can conclude her conception in the ancient Egyptian theology.
This analysis is a typical classification according to the conception of the goddess which appeared in her epithets in each document. This way made it easy to classify and relate
the documentation to the analysis.

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