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Ahmed Samy - The Goddess Wepset
26.12.2019, 10:36

Богинята Уепсет ("Изгарящата") е войнствено божество-покровител, свързано с урея на фараона. Почитана е като притежаваща апотропична сила, която отблъсква враговете и е изобразявана като кобра. В този свой аспект тя е и "Окото на Ра" според Текстовете от саркофазите. През епохата на Новото царство тя е унищожител на враговете на Озирис. Нейни храмове има на о. Бига и различни места в Долна Нубия.

Ahmed Samy Abdel-Sameea Abdel-Haleem - The Goddess Wepset, Cairo, Ain Shams University, 2015

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Added by: Admin | | Tags: древноегипетска религия, Древен Египет, Бига, Нубия, древноегипетска митология, Уесет, урей
Views: 1156 | Placed till: 26.01.2020 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
This thesis is a study on goddess Wepset as one of the local goddesses. It is worthy to note that the goddess was not studied in a complete research except for some scattered articles.
The study goes into two main parts, documentations and analytical study. The documentations are divided into two chapters. The first chapter deals with the representations of the goddess in the different temples. These temples are classified in a geographical location from Upper Egypt to Lower Egypt and then chronologically arranged within the temple. This way of classification gives the possibility to trace the development of the goddess throughout the Egyptian history.
The first chapter covers the temples of Dakke, Philae, Kom-Ombo, Edfu, Komir, Esna, Tôd, Kasr El-Agoz, Medamoud and Dendera.
The second chapter is the representations of the goddess in the royal tombs and in papyri. These tombs date back to the New kingdom, from the reign of Tuthmosis III, Amenhotep II and Ramses VI. These tombs house the first iconographic representations of the goddess. The second part of the second chapter is the existence of the goddess in the different papyri.
This classification clarifies the development and the changes of the iconography, name and conception of the goddess and her relationship with other deities.
The third part is the analytical study which is the main part that clarifies the conception in ancient Egyptian theology.

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