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Aurélia Masson-Berghoff - Le quartier des prêtres dans le temple d'Amon à Karnak
18.01.2023, 06:51

Кварталът на жреците, обслужващи гигантското светилище на Амон: Ипет-Сут в Карнак, Тива се намира в рамките на самия храмов комплекс. Там клирът на божеството е бил устроен битово и е осъществявал своята социална и икономическа дейност. Настоящият том на Френско-египетския център за проучване на Карнак (CFETEK) съдържа резюме на резултатите от проведените до момента разкопки и техен подробен анализ. Разкрити са множество любопитни подробности за социалния статус на тези свещеници, тяхното ежедневие, финансовото им и друго материално обезпечаване, различните правила и забрани, които спазват: напр. относно ритуалната чистота и храненето и др.

Aurélia Masson-Berghoff - Le quartier des prêtres dans le temple d'Amon à Karnak, Leuven - Paris - Bristol (CT), Peeters Publishers, 2021 [Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 300]

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Added by: Admin | | Tags: Тива, древноегипетска археология, древноегипетска религия, Карнак, Амон, древноегипетски жреци, древноегипетски бит
Views: 327 | Placed till: 18.02.2023 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 2
1 Admin  
Le quartier des pretres est un quartier residentiel situe dans le sanctuaire d'Amon a Karnak, a l'est du lac Sacre. Au cours du premier millenaire avant notre ere, il a ete presque continuellement occupe par des pretres le temps de leur service cultuel. Un programme de recherche lance en 2001 par le Centre franco-egyptien d'etude des temples de Karnak (Cfeetk) complete et revise les resultats de fouilles de sauvetage menees dans ce secteur dans les annees 1970, jusqu'alors partiellement publies. L'histoire et l'evolution de ce quartier, ainsi que l'identite, la culture materielle, la vie quotidienne et le regime alimentaire de ses habitants, ont ete etablis au moyen d'une collaboration pluridisciplinaire pendant de nouvelles fouilles et des missions d'etudes du materiel. Cette recherche explore la maniere dont cet habitat s'integre dans le contexte plus large du temple, en particulier son environnement religieux et architectural direct sur la rive sud du lac Sacre qui jadis abritait de grands secteurs economiques et peut-etre artisanaux. L'etude de ces annexes offre un temoignage unique et eloquent des activites quotidiennes au sein du temple d'Amon a Karnak et de la vie des serviteurs des dieux egyptiens.

2 Admin  
The Priests' Quarter is a housing quarter located within the sanctuary of Amun in Karnak, to the east of the Sacred Lake. For almost all of the first millennium BC, it was occupied by priests performing their cultic service. A research programme initiated in 2001 by the Centre franco-egyptien d'etude des Temples de Karnak (Cfeetk) completes and revises the results of rescue excavations led in this area in the 1970s, which had so far never been fully published. The history and evolution of this quarter, as well as the identity, material culture, daily life and diet of its inhabitants, have been established through a multidisciplinary collaboration during excavation and post-excavation studies. This research explores how this settlement fits into the larger context of the temple, particularly its direct religious and architectural environment on the southern bank on the Sacred Lake where once stood large economic and possibly artisanal sectors. The study of these temple annexes offers a unique and eloquent testimony on the day-to-day activities within the temple of Amun in Karnak itself and the life of ancient Egyptian priests in general.

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