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Dominique Valbelle - Satis et Anoukis
31.07.2020, 16:04

Древноегипетската богиня с рога на антилопа Сатет (елинизирано име Сатис) е покровителка на Елефантина, жена на бога-овен Хнум. Името ѝ се извежда етимологически от глагола sṯ означаващ "изхвърлям", в различни контексти "разливам", "изстрелвам". Съобразно тези вторични значения тя е представяна или като божество на животворния разлив на Нил, или като войнствена пазителка на нубийската граница на страната, засипваща враговете на фараона със смъртоносни стрели.
Нейна дъщеря е Анукет  (елинизирано име Анукис), която заедно с нея и Хнум образува елефантинската троица. Известна като "тази, която обгръща" (ˁnqt ), в представите на египтяните тя символизира речните води, обгръщащи долината при разлив за да ѝ дарят плодородие. Изобразявана е с роба от тръстика или щраусови пера, а нейно свещено животно е газелата.
Настоящата монография е изследване, посветено на тези две богини.

Dominique Valbelle - Satis et Anoukis, Mainz am Rhein, Philipp von Zabern, 1981

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Recent monograph is an detailed investigation dedicated to two Egyptian goddesses Satet (Satis) and Anuket (Anukis).
Satis (Ancient Egyptian: Sṯt or Sṯı͗t, lit. "Pourer" or "Shooter"), also known by numerous related names, was an Upper Egyptian goddess who, along with Khnum and Anuket, formed part of the Elephantine Triad. A protective deity of Egypt's southern border with Nubia, she came to personify the former annual flooding of the Nile and to serve as a war, hunting, and fertility goddess. She was also known by epithets, such as "Mistress of Elephantine" and "She Who Runs Like an Arrow", thought to refer to the flowing river current. As a war goddess, Satis protected Egypt's southern Nubian frontier by killing the enemies of the pharaoh with her sharp arrows. As a fertility goddess, she was thought to grant the wishes of those who sought love. 
Satis was usually pictured as a woman in a sheath dress wearing the hedjet, the conical crown of Upper Egypt, with antelope horns. She is sometimes depicted with bow and arrows; holding an ankh or scepter; or offering jars of purifying water. She also appears in the form of an antelope. Her symbols were the arrow and the running river.
Anuket was the ancient Egyptian goddess of the cataracts of the Nile and Lower Nubia in general, worshipped especially at Elephantine near the First Cataract. Her name meant the "Clasper" or "Embracer".
Anuket was usually depicted as a woman with a headdress of either reed or ostrich feathers. She was usually depicted as holding a sceptre topped with an ankh, and her sacred animal was the gazelle. She was also shown suckling the pharaoh through the New Kingdom and became a goddess of lust in later years.In later periods, she was associated with the cowry.

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