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Donald A. Mackenzie - Egyptian myth and legend
30.07.2020, 05:07

Класическо изложение на древноегипетските митове и легенди, което не е загубило своята увлекателност и днес. Митовете са изложени в хронологичен порядък, съобразно господстващите в даден исторически период божества и вярвания.


Donald Alexander Mackenzie - Egyptian myth and legend, London, Gresham Publishing Co., 1945

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Donald Alexander Mackenzie - Egyptian myth and legend, Chapel Hill (NC), Project Gutenberg Self-Publishing (Blackmask Online), 2002


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Added by: Admin | | Tags: древноегипетска религия, древноегипетска митология, Древен Египет
Views: 376 | Placed till: 30.08.2020 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
In this early volume the myths and legends of ancient Egypt are embraced in a historical narrative which begins with the rise of the great Nilotic civilization and ends with the Graeco-Roman Age. The principle deities are dealt with chiefly at the various periods in which they came into prominence, while the legends are so arranged as to throw light on the beliefs and manners and customs of the ancient people. Metrical renderings are given of such of the representative folk songs and poems as can be appreciated at the present day.

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