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Ian Robert Taylor - Deconstructing the iconography of Seth
28.03.2020, 09:17

Оригинална дисертация от университета в Бирмингам, анализираща изобразяването на важния древноегипетски бог Сет по пътя на деконструкцията.
За това кое е тотемното животно, от което еволюира богът Сет има различни хипотези. Най-популярните и най-правдоподобни са произход от африканско диво куче или чакал; други идеи са магаре, мравояд, жираф, диво прасе и др.
Настоящата монография анализира хиляди изображения на Сет от Раннодинастичния период до Късното царство и епохата на Птолемеите. Резултатът е издигане на теорията, че изображението на Сет е композитно - че то включва елементи от различни животни, за да конструира съвършено фантастичен образ.

Ian Robert Taylor - Deconstructing the iconography of Seth, Birmingham, University of Birmingham, 2016

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Added by: Admin | | Tags: древноегипетска археология, древноегипетска религия, древноегипетско изкуство, Древен Египет, сет
Views: 1050 | Placed till: 28.04.2020 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
The god Seth was depicted in both zoomorphic and bimorphic form. In zoomorphic form he was depicted as a canine-like animal with a down curved muzzle, upright squared-off ears and an erect tail, whilst in bimorphic form he was portrayed as a human male with the head of the Seth animal. Although much has been written on the mythology of Seth and identification of the Seth animal, no in-depth research has been undertaken regarding the variations that occur in his images over the dynastic period of Egyptian history. This thesis looks at the variations in the images of Seth and how he was represented in temples, tombs, written texts and in personal adornment. A comparison of the variations of his component parts leads to a comprehensive understanding of the different forms employed and allows the questions to be answered of whether there was ever a fully defined standard representation or if each image was an individual interpretation of a loosely defined theoretical form. Additionally, the study of the use of the zoomorphic and bimorphic Seth images within the Nile Valley and Western Desert oases provides the further understanding of the form of the proscription against Seth.

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