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Jan Assmann - The Search for God in Ancient Egypt
10.05.2019, 21:43

Класическата монография на немския египтолог и антрополог Ян Асман (р. 1938) за консолидирането и еволюцията на древноегипетската религия в превод на английски език. Трудът проследява възникването и развитието на вярванията в Египет от примитивните фетишистки и анималистични култове до сложната спекулативна теология на зрялото древноегипетско общество. Анализирани са процесите на синкретизъм, опитите за конструиране на оправдателна теодицея пред безспорното наличие на зло и несправедливост в света и първоначално стихийната, а впоследствие и дирижирана монотеизация на религиозността.

Jan Assmann - The Search for God in Ancient Egypt, Ithaca (NY)-London, Cornell University Press, 2001


Jan Assmann - The Search for God in Ancient Egypt, Ithaca (NY)-London, Cornell University Press, 2001

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Added by: Admin | | Tags: Древен Египет, древноегипетска култура, древноегипетска митология, древноегипетска религия, древноегипетска цивилизация, древноегипетска философия
Views: 1152 | Placed till: 15.08.2021 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
First English-language edition, with revisions and additions by the author.This classic work by one of the world's most distinguished Egyptologists was first published in German in 1984. The Search for God in Ancient Egypt offers a distillation of Jan Assmann's views on ancient Egyptian religion, with special emphasis on theology and piety. Deeply rooted in the texts of ancient Egypt and thoroughly informed by comparative religion, theology, anthropology, and semiotic analysis, Assmann's interpretations reveal the complexity of Egyptian thought in a new way.Assmann takes special care to distinguish between the "implicit" theology of Egyptian polytheism and the "explicit" theology that is concerned with exploring the problem of the divine. His discussion of polytheism and mythology addresses aspects of ritual, the universe, and myth; his consideration of explicit theology deals with theodicy and the specifics of Amarna religion.

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