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Laura May Dewsbury - Invisible religion in ancient Egypt
22.12.2020, 15:04

Колосалните монументи и разкошните гробници са познати на всички паметници на древноегипетската религия. Всички те обаче са принадлежали на владетелите, техните фамилии или на елита: чиновническа, жреческа и военна администрация. Каква обаче е била религиозноста на обикновените хора? Могат ли артефактите да пресъздадат една правдива нейна картина? На тези въпроси отговаря настоящата дисертация.

Laura May Dewsbury - Invisible religion in ancient Egypt: a study into the individual religiosity of non-royal and non-elite ancient Egyptians, Birmingham, University of Birmingham, 2016

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Added by: Admin | | Tags: Древен Египет, древноегипетска археология, древноегипетска религия
Views: 461 | Placed till: 22.01.2021 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
The research presented in this thesis applies Thomas Luckmann’s theory of invisible religion to three aspects of ancient Egyptian culture (festivals, household and personal items, and communication with the dead and with gods). The intention is firstly to address the four key issues that have arisen as a result of previous research into personal religion in ancient Egypt, secondly to determine whether ordinary ancient Egyptians possessed individual religiosity, and thirdly to establish whether the three aspects of ancient Egyptian culture considered can be viewed as examples of invisible religion. With regards to the four key issues, this research concludes: there was a link between individual religiosity and state religion; the intimacy of ordinary ancient Egyptians’ emotions relating to individual religiosity varied; individual religiosity was not a phenomenon of the lower classes; individual religiosity was not an innovation of the New Kingdom. In addition, it is shown that ordinary ancient Egyptians did possess individual religiosity but that each person would have created, maintained, engaged with, and internalised the universe of meaning (as described by Luckmann) to a different extent. Finally, this research concludes that the three aspects of ancient Egyptian culture considered can be viewed as examples of invisible religion.

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