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Maria Cannata - The Egyptian Funerary Industry in the Ptolemaic Period
11.02.2023, 07:20

Епохата през която Птолемеите властват над Египет (IV-I в. пр. н.е.) е преломно време, в което страната, възприемана до момента като самодостатъчна по дефиниция е напълно интегрирана в политическия, стопански и културен комплекс на Източното Средиземноморие и преживява изключително силно въздействие на античната елинистическа цивилизация.
Въпреки това древните вярвания и самобитните религиозни практики свързани с погребалните обичаи не само не са засегнати, но и преживяват истински разцвет. Тази монография разглежда цялостния култов комплекс свързан със смъртта и погребенията в Египет през този период. Представени са некрополите, свързаната с тях класа от работници, жреците и погребалният култ, подготовката на телата чрез мумифициране и самото погребение, погребалният инвентар (папируси, канопи, амулети, саркофази и др.)  и целият комплекс от практики, свързани със смъртта.

Maria Cannata - Three Hundred Years of Death. The Egyptian Funerary Industry in the Ptolemaic Period, Leiden-Boston, Brill, 2020 [Culture and History of the Ancient Near East 110]

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Added by: Admin | | Tags: древноегипетски саркофази, древноегипетски некрополи, древноегипетска религия, древноегипетско изкуство, Птолемеи, мумии, Древен Египет, древноегипетска археология
Views: 268 | Placed till: 11.03.2023 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 2
1 Admin  
In Three Hundred Years of Death: The Egyptian Funerary Industry in the Ptolemaic Period, Maria Cannata discusses how necropolises and funerary priests, as well as the mummification, funeral, burial, and the deceaseds mortuary cult, were organised in Ptolemaic Egypt.
Maria Cannata provides a detailed survey of the organisation of the necropolises and the funerary workers, as well as their role in the practical aspects of the mummification, funeral, burial, and mortuary cult of the deceased, in Ptolemaic Egypt (332-30 BC). The author gathers together and synthesises hundreds of the original textual sources, as well as the relevant archaeological sources, on the organisation of the funerary industry and its practitioners, revealing important regional and chronological variations overlooked in studies focusing on a limited geographical area, a shorter timeframe, or a smaller group of documents.

2 Admin  
The second volume of Excavations at Mendes furthers the publication of our archaeological work at the site of Tel er-Rub’a, ancient Mendes, in the east central Delta. Mendes is proving to be one of the most exciting sites in the Nile Delta. Occupied from prehistoric times until the Roman Period, Mendes reveals the nature of a typical Late Egyptian city, its distribution of economy, and demography. The discoveries reported on in this volume were wholly unexpected, and bear meaning fully on Ancient Egyptian history: these include the prosperity and size of the original Old Kingdom city, the major contributions of Ramesses II and Amasis to the monumental nature of the city, and the role of the city in the period c. 600–100 B.C. as an entrepot for Mediterranean trade.

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