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María José Blanca Amor Martínez - The sites of Seth
05.11.2020, 15:04

От древни времена до гръко-римския период, когато е демонизиран и почитанието му е ограничено, египетският бог Сет е свързван с определени места и е считан за техен специален покровител. Това са най-вече чуждите земи и граничните зони, пустините и техните оазиси, както и планините.
Основни центрове на култа към Сет са двата града наричани Небут: Омбос (дн. Тух) и днешният Ком Омбо, двата с име Джебу (Антеополис, дн. Етмания и Кау ел Кебир), Пер Меджед (Оксиринх, дн. Ал Банаса) и други.

María José Blanca Amor Martínez - The sites of Seth. A study of different places concerning the god Seth, Manchester, University of Manchester

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Added by: Admin | | Tags: сет, Антеополис, Оксиринх, древноегипетска религия, древноегипетска митология, Ком Омбо, Древен Египет, Омбос
Views: 1017 | Placed till: 05.12.2020 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
During the development of the Egyptian state, three areas were involved. In one side the Nile and its floods, on the other side the eastern desert along with the Sinai Peninsula and, finally, the Western Desert and its Oasis. The Nile Valley was a meeting place of many populations who came to the valley from the neighboring deserts due to the long lasting drought that dried the occasional lakes and fertile wadis. It had to be very difficult to unify such a miscellaneous people coming with their own gods and manners. In fact, the expression “Uniting the Two Lands” did not appear until the reign of Khasekhemuy  when Horus and Seth were first reconciled. Myths related to the struggles between Horus and Seth can give an idea of events that actually occurred during the embryonic stage of the Pharaonic state. Seth was never totally beaten and his worship continued throughout the history of Egypt until Ptolemaic and Roman domination, when he was demonized and his cult limited to some isolated temples located at western oasis.

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